Level 21
It involved listening in to Tom and Sigmatik's private conversation and commenting on it in Global Chat.
I'm sorry, but all applications must go to the RMMRecruit thread.
- Name:lordofroosters
- Why do you wish to join the RMM?: Aggression looks like a good server. RMM seems like a great faction. I've been looking for a nice faction on every faction server and been unable to find one besides on a server run by a guy called 7007king7707 or something...Seems like an organized faction.
- What Battalion are you interested in?: Any Battalion that will take me, I'm decent all-around.
- Your timezone?: Eastern Time (GMT - 5:00 or something...)
- Do you have Teamspeak and/or a microphone?: No, and my bird chewed the connector wire off my microphone, so no.
- Are you willing to use your microphone?: No microphone
- Previous Minecraft Clan(s): One from the site (The Subterranean Pillagers, of my own creation). And no official clans, but I've been in factions that were based around raiding most of my time on these types of servers.
- Are you currently in another clan?: No.
- Why should we pick you?: I can mine. I can also make excellent defenses for bases consisting of redstone and pistons. And if you give me a bow, I'm a crack shot. I'm pretty valuable, and specialize in underground bases.
- Availability: I'm in high school, so, weekdays from 4-8 PM and weekends from 1-9 PM. Unfortunately, I'm rather busy and can only get on for short periods of time.
- Rough estimate of when you started playing Minecraft: Ehm...since /indev/, when Notch was still adding good stuff.
- Is English your first language?: Yes.
shouldn't we take down the rmmrecruit thread from aggression?