[Bio] - Updated!


Level 12
Nov 21, 2011

Miniman did you have to search this joke up beacause thats one of the worst jokes i have heard


Level 12
Nov 21, 2011

Age and gender: 13 years old male

Nationality: English

Tell us something about yourself (something you find interesting): Live near London but i'm from there and love football


IGN: xSpeechlessBacon

What skills do have? (e.g. farming, mining, PVP): I'm a great PVPer and also not to bad at potion making and farming.

Which specific role would you prefer to fulfill: I'd really like to be a soldier in your faction but would be happy with any role.

How active are you (i.e. days per week, hours per day): I'm not sure on how many hours a day but i can tell you that I'm very active in game and on the forums.


Gaming history (other than Minecraft): Not much of a fan of Pc games but i do play xboxand have live. I have played games such as: Skyrim, Saints Row, Fallout, Fifa, and lots of first person shooters.

How long have you been playing Minecraft?: As far as im aware i got the game in 1.6 but did not play much until 1.7 when i joined my first server.

How long have you been playing on Aggression?: I think a couple of months.

Previous faction(s): Romans, RMM, Resurgence(My own faction)

Reason for leaving: Romans: I didn't leave but the server had an update. RMM: I left because i felt i wanted to run my own faction. Resurgence: I'm leaving because i have been betrayed by two people i thought i could trust.

4) BIO

Why do you want to join Bio? I have been betrayed and i need to join a faction with people i trust.

Why should we accept you? We are pretty good friends and you have let me in your base and i have not done anything wrong.

Current Bio members that you know: I know all the members but I have seen Evo is not in your faction has he left or is it because of when factions got disbanded.

Is there anything you would like to add?: I have a lot of supplies from my armory and lots of iron. I'm also a Cpl in Aggression.

And finally…

Tell us a joke!: What do vampires eat at Christmas? Grave-y. Check that one out, It was from a Christmas cracker.

I really hope this app was great and you accept me into Bio.

Thanks a lot <3 SpeechlessBacon


Level 32
Aug 1, 2011
Thanks for applying guys! I will look at all the applications properly tomorrow. Hope everyone had a quality Christmas.


Level 21
Dec 15, 2011

Age and gender:Male


Tell us something about yourself (something you find interesting):I play minecraft



What skills do have? (e.g. farming, mining, PVP)vp is mabey 289 farming is 30 mining is 178

Which specific role would you prefer to fulfilvp

How active are you (i.e. days per week, hours per day): Most of the time


Gaming history (other than Minecraft):I play Xbox alot with Skyrim

How long have you been playing Minecraft?: umm about a year now

How long have you been playing on Aggression?:since 1,6 and yes gun in the really really late 1.6

Previous faction(s):Romans

Reason for leaving:Merger

4) BIO

Why do you want to join Bio? It's cool

Why should we accept you?Becuase you already said yes

Current Bio members that you know:Curly and white guy

Is there anything you would like to add?:I dont want to tell a joke

And finally…

Tell us a joke!: your mom is so fat when she sat on the Iphone she made the first IPad


Level 4
Aug 21, 2011

Age and gender: Male 16

Nationality: American (Black)

Tell us something about yourself (something you find interesting):Um I play Football



What skills do have? (e.g. farming, mining, PVP): Im an excellent miner and skilled with base designing and planning

Which specific role would you prefer to fulfil: soildier,

How active are you (i.e. days per week, hours per day): Depends if im busy


Gaming history (other than Minecraft):Unreal tournament, runescape battlefield series, COD series, sims,

How long have you been playing Minecraft?: A year and a half now

How long have you been playing on Aggression?:since June

Previous faction(s):RMM

Reason for leaving: I didnt leave unusual circumstances came up, but let it be known i still pledge my allegiance to RMM

4) BIO

Why do you want to join Bio?: I've always liked the idea of Bio it was a very nice faction very well maintaned and id like to see how it runs before returning to RMM

Why should we accept you? Im skilled in the art of pvp as well as architecture

Current Bio members that you know: Curley

Is there anything you would like to add?: Not really

And finally…

Tell us a joke!:Knock Knock.....Whos there...... AGG...... AGGwho?....God bless you haha corny i know


Level 0
Jul 25, 2011

Age and gender: Im a 14 year old male

Nationality: Im white

Tell us something about yourself (something you find interesting): I love to play The Legand of Zelda.


IGN: madhatter44

What skills do have? (e.g. farming, mining, PVP): I like to build anything, such as farms, bases, houses, minecart rails, whatever. i have a high mcmmo farming stat (250 i believe, or somewhere around there.)

Which specific role would you prefer to fulfil: I would like to be a farmer, though any of the "roles" seem fine

How active are you (i.e. days per week, hours per day): I try to come on everyday, though if i don't, I'll probably be on the day after. I'm usually active around 6-8 P.M. PST


Gaming history (other than Minecraft): I'm a nintendo fanboy, only owning nintendo consoles. I love pokemon, and and good rpgs I can find. I also love Zelda.

How long have you been playing Minecraft?: I've been playing since about... Spring 2011. I think I started in 1.6.

How long have you been playing on Aggression?: I've been playing on Aggersion since June or July 2011, in 1.7.

Previous faction(s): Raze, Resistance, PurpleHaze, Romans

Reason for leaving: They disbanded I believe. For Romans, I will leave to join Bio.

4) BIO

Why do you want to join Bio? I want to join Bio because I like the people already in the faction. From what I've seen, I also love the building of CurlyPhillio (he had awesome builds in Raze).

Why should we accept you? I am online frequently, I love to build stuff, and will be a good minecraftian. I could gather resources, and make sure everyone in the faction has stuff they need.

Current Bio members that you know: AWhite_Guy, CurlyPhillio

Is there anything you would like to add?: If you accept this application, can you claim Romans spawn base, if Paradox095 joins Bio aswell? I bult that base, and would love to still own it.

And finally…

Tell us a joke!: What kind of music do cows listen to? moosic!

(Sorry only joke i could think of, it's really lame)


Level 32
Aug 1, 2011

It doesn't appear that much effort has been put into your application. I also don't know you very well in-game and therefore I am not sure if I can trust you. For these reasons your application has been denied, but we wish you all the best.



Level 18
Oct 22, 2011

Age and gender: 14 and Male

Nationality: American

Tell us something about yourself (something you find interesting): I'am a young business I have earned a small fortune by obtaining stocks through my father and selling various items.


IGN: hooty827

What skills do have? (e.g. farming, mining, PVP): I'am a great miner (without x-ray) and a great builder

Which specific role would you prefer to fulfil: I would like to set up outposts and within my outpost I would perform all of the roles. If this is not possible collector

How active are you (i.e. days per week, hours per day): I will be on 2-4 hours weekdays around 6:00pm pacific standard time. Weekends up to 12hours a day. Summer time nothing under 14hours a day


Gaming history (other than Minecraft): CoD, WoW, Infaminer, Skyrim, Battlefield, Rome Total War, Napoleon Total War, Morrowind, Oblivion

How long have you been playing Minecraft?: 1year

How long have you been playing on Aggression?: 6 months in 1.7 and 1.0, 2 months in 1.6

Previous faction(s): MIM

Reason for leaving: I want to be with AWhite__Guy

4) BIO

Why do you want to join Bio? For AWhite__Guy

Why should we accept you? Cause I will bring wealth and power to Bio

Current Bio members that you know: AWhite__Guy, Curly

Is there anything you would like to add?: I love AWhite__Guy

And finally…

Tell us a joke!: My two best come backs are: If you want my cum back you can wipe it off your moms chin and if ever called a pussy just say I'am what I eat.


Level 32
Aug 1, 2011

I like this application a lot. It has enough detail and is well written. All of the current Bio members get on well with you and we have worked together successfully before. Pending any diplomatic differences, which you highlighted earlier in-game, your application has been accepted!

Welcome to Bio!


A good application and, more importantly, everyone in Bio knows we can trust you and that we will get on well. You are also ex-Raze which gains you bonus points. Therefore, your application has been accepted!

Welcome to Bio!


This is without a doubt the best joke yet haha. You have submitted a very good application, you get on well with all of the current Bio members and we know you can be trusted. You also gain ex-Raze bonus points. Your application has been accepted! Also, we will of course take over the Romans spawn base to allow for an easier transition.

Welcome to Bio!


ViiRuS, Corey and Hooty - Although each of you submitted good applications, I don't want to have too many Bio recruits at one time. Keeping recruits to a minimum will allow each individual to settle into the faction with minimal chaos. Your applications have not been denied, they are all still pending until the current recruits are established Bio members. After this period, I will review all applications again.

Thank you for your patience.
