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Aggression 1.1 Development Notes


Level 32
Aug 1, 2011
All sounds good. When I joined I thought the 90 minutes of GOD was a good idea. Allowed me to get a good few blocks away to build my pad. Accessible bases are a great shout - all fights I've been in have ended in someone scurrying back to their base to hide. Would we be able to bury chests away from our base?


Level 29
Jul 3, 2011
I like the idea of the raids. will the people be able to open the wooden doors? can you use iron doors everywhere else?

Let me clear it up for some of you, all of your base rooms will need to be accessible with wooden doors + trapdoors, unless there's a way I can allow the usage of levers and buttons, if that is the case then Iron doors will be possible. These will only be accessible to 'other factions' while the 'Siege' event is active. Apart from then it's business as usual.


Level 7
Jul 24, 2011
Can we lose the cost with using /f home?

I don't exactly agree with the cost of using all the other commands, but I can live with it. But this one seems especially harsh, seeing as how when we die, we would all go back to spawn, we would then have to use /f home to get fresh gear. This adds to the cost of dying.


Level 44
Jul 23, 2010
@ Dannie - I actually spent a good while trying to think up reasons, but every single reason had an equal, opposite reason backing up the fee. To be honest, it's just the principle of the thing. Paying to claim land is taxing enough :/


Level 47
Nov 26, 2010
I still don't like the raid system, it turns no-way in, to a one-way/funnel that's really easy to booby-trap and kill. And if Endermen can get around factions, why not use them as a natural breach? Much like the way many people use creepers to get into places. Or, during raids have all doors be opened? (Only problem is mods/admins have to go to each faction base and monitor door usage, and open them all. (Turn off build rights during raids?)

Also, no banking system? The lack of it really kills any chance for people to buy things or set up shops, seeing as your money is just going to get lost, one way or another.


Level 29
Jul 3, 2011
I still don't like the raid system, it turns no-way in, to a one-way/funnel that's really easy to booby-trap and kill. And if Endermen can get around factions, why not use them as a natural breach? Much like the way many people use creepers to get into places. Or, during raids have all doors be opened? (Only problem is mods/admins have to go to each faction base and monitor door usage, and open them all. (Turn off build rights during raids?)

Also, no banking system? The lack of it really kills any chance for people to buy things or set up shops, seeing as your money is just going to get lost, one way or another.

Well Laithes, help me out. We've implemented the current system and you complained that you couldn't breach, suggested one where people would be able to destroy blocks to gain entrance and you figure people will just grief it up and now I've suggested possibly the most reasonable idea and again you've found flaws. You wont be able to 'booby-trap and kill' as you have to allow access.

Creepers can't be used to get into places due to explosions off right? Shortly after 1.8 there will be an option to stop the Endermen in the same way.

Banking system isn't necessarily something I refuse to add, it's something that isn't coded within factions. I mean it's possible to allow people set up bank accounts to deposit and withdraw accordingly but I just think it's adding complexity to an already rapidly growing command list. You've been on the server for a while now, but if you try and look from a new players perspective. Additionally I like the idea of losing a chunk of your cash to the enemy when dying.. surely you feel rewarded when you get a chunk of it.

Don't get me wrong, i'm not refusing to change what I have already thought up but i'd prefer a larger amount of awareness when suggesting your own at least. You have a large number of people in your Faction, knock your heads together and see what happens xD


Level 47
Nov 26, 2010
I've never gotten or lost more than 50 or so coins from an enemy, people aren't retarded enough to fight with money on them. 95% of money loss has to be from mobs and environment damage. So the money's just being lost to everyone. And if you have to allow access to your base, what's the point of building a base? And it's just going to get camped to shit, even if you can't put traps on it, who would ignore the one major soft-spot of their defenses? So you've still got a camp-off either way. Now, seeing as you ignored, or didn't address the fact that I suggested we have all doors open and remove build perms for "Raid hour" or whatever you want it to be, I'm re-posting it in hopes that it gets read.


Level 29
Jul 3, 2011
I've never gotten or lost more than 50 or so coins from an enemy, people aren't retarded enough to fight with money on them. 95% of money loss has to be from mobs and environment damage. So the money's just being lost to everyone. And if you have to allow access to your base, what's the point of building a base? And it's just going to get camped to shit, even if you can't put traps on it, who would ignore the one major soft-spot of their defenses? So you've still got a camp-off either way. Now, seeing as you ignored, or didn't address the fact that I suggested we have all doors open and remove build perms for "Raid hour" or whatever you want it to be, I'm re-posting it in hopes that it gets read.

No, i'm still not convinced that bank accounts is a good idea. The fact that the money is up for grabs, even if not easily, i'm assured there is an element of risk. I know you'll get around it by appointing someone in your faction as 'the banker' and I wont make an attempt to stop that. I think it's good team play that something like that happens. But anyway you have lost more than 50 coins to an enemy as I recall about a month ago you dying to someone and saying in chat 'Why do they all send their money to me' or something along those lines.

Sure, some factions will 'camp' that's a fact, I've rewarded doing so by upping the damage reduction. But there will be a clear attack path for you to go for, which you previously didn't have.

Removing building permissions will do what exactly? I didn't ignore it, in fact I told you to be more aware when suggesting. What if a new player joins at the beginning of a 'Siege'? Should we simply tell him to come back in a couple of hours? We both know that isn't exactly reasonable. The only alternative I can think of is one of the latest features injected into Factions which is when you 'destroy, use, open etc' on faction land you lose a certain amount of health.

Thanks for replying :)


Level 32
Jul 18, 2011
Obviously, without falsebook, traps will be a little tougher to make for entrances. The only ones that would be effective would take a long time to make.

If you ask me, with Siege system is great as it is. ;)


Level 37
Jul 17, 2011
Creating a Faction: 500 coins.

  • Claiming Wilderness Land: 50 coins with a multiplier of 0.1;
    • 1st claim 50
    • 2nd claim 55
    • 3rd claim 60
    • 37th claim 230
  • Claim Faction Land: 40 coins with the same multiplier.
  • Changing the Name: 250 coins.
  • Changing the Description: 100 coins.
  • Setting Faction Home: 50 coins.
  • Using home teleport: 10 coins.
  • Unclaiming land returns 50% of the value.
  • Faction Land capped at 100.

I'm afraid of this server now being entirely run by the usage of coin when we cannot open our own shops to accommodate so many commands now costing coin. I can understand something as silly/random as a name change cost or a description name cost but setting faction home and using home teleport?

I mean, after you die if you don't go back to your faction home, how are you supposed to get supplies to get back to your base? What if someone is camping your base? How easy would it be to kill an unarmored person returning to their base with a guy in diamond standing at their door step?

I'm not disagreeing with the idea of getting more into using coin in the server but we need something that doesn't pose such a risk.

Think about it, you earn coins from killing. But if you die you don't only lose whatever you had on you, you lose coins as well. Then you have to pay to F Home afterwards? Thats 2 instances where coin was lost and 1 where items were lost all for just the CHANCE to earn some coin killing.

I really, really wish that Noodle will compromise and have shops be enabled so it will be a little easier to not rage at 3 failures happening all at once.

Maybe we could have the ranks determine with who can own a shop and who cannot? (similar to pistons) Sgt and above or something of the sorts? We could also have only certain shops opened on certained days so there is a fluxuation in coin going to factions and days were certain purchases should be made.

I don't know all I see is the word COST too many times unaccompanied by the word EARN.

*The word cost isn't in the quote above but you get what I'm trying to say....

*Otherwise, great job on the new ideas guys<3