Aggression 1.1 Development Notes


Level 37
Jul 17, 2011

I like, I like.


Level 27
Aug 1, 2011
...So Pistons are for Sgt's? Ok, now I am kind of getting pissed off about this. For the newb players joining the server, do you really think they want to be f'ing raped when they join? Do you think that new factions that have Privates and Corporals want to get raided, just because of Not being able to use pistons? What other traps are there? Using a dispenser to kill enemies entering a base? Im pretty sure that someone with diamond armor walking into your base and shooting them with arrows, is in other words, getting the person running the dispenser, killed. And having to pay when you rank up? Its like saying, I will give you chocolate with nuts, when you have been buying my chocolate for 6 weeks and also you have to pay an extra ten dollars for it. (Bad story ahaha). But anyways I remember a thread about keeping players on the server or getting new ones. Im pretty sure that having all this new stuff like paying for shit and stuff like that will make them think, Wtf why in the world should I make a faction when I cant make any traps without some rich-ass person buying my spot on a dynamic map only to get raped when I shoot them with my dispenser. In my opinion Aggression should only have simple changes, not changing every thing about the old and simple server we know it to be.


Fuck the above I kinda of like killing newbs so I want siege. But personally I think that The new factions have a week period to ready their base and make sure everything is in order so when they are put on the dyn map, they are hopefully ready.


Level 30
Jul 19, 2011

Stop complaining about a reasonable change. Your points aren't making sense. You can have a safe base with traps, pistons aren't needed.


Level 29
Jul 3, 2011
Yeah not quite sure how to respond to that rant because.. Most of the arguments are.. You know.. Yeah.. -.-'


Level 29
Jul 3, 2011
I'm a firm believer that any player that wishes to enjoy our server will overcome a few hundred gold for a start.

I don't like new players that join and make ridiculous looping circuits which can cripple a community such as ours until it is found. For this reason; Pistons are disabled until the required rank is purchased and lava to stop griefing.

You don't have to be rich..

Dynamic map isn't planned..

And siege is scrapped anyway? xD


Level 27
Aug 1, 2011
Ok then. And Siege should stay, because in my opinion the server is wayyyyyyyyy to complicated. So it would be nice for something fun to be on the server.


Level 32
Aug 1, 2011
I've been trying to think of an idea that encourages looting now that siege has been scrapped. Sometimes I find I can walk into faction's bases pretty easily (e.g. if doors are left open or if the base is built up to the edge of the claimed land). What if /cprivate was introduced but each member had a limit of locking 2 chests each. If there was a way of preventing chests being protected by placing a block on top, this means every time a base is broken into via the previously mentioned methods, not all the chests would be locked so some loot could be taken. Obviously most factions would be smart enough to close their doors, and the new factions probably don't put blocks on their chests anyway. So this is actually a pretty poor idea. Ignore what I just said. I'll post it anyway incase it sparks inspiration for someone else.


Level 21
Jul 19, 2011
Automated and manual mob farms disallowed is directly telling some one they arnt allowed to do something naturally possible in the game and crippling the gameplay no matter how minor or major, in my opinion, ridiculous; While the economic changes could be potentially good for a factions server one here where the bases are so far away creates a ridiculously hard campaign to constantly stay alive while keeping your money, and, while it may encourage PvP, it will also drive people from the server who are targeted by already set up factions. Wont that create a system directly against new players especially when alt accounts and faction hopping are allowed and no one will be recruiting directly? No one will be able to create or join a faction without going through a massive process not worth doing ._. I think im ranting.


Level 35
Jul 3, 2011
Well that rule is what I like to call "Russia/RMM affect"

Which also consist of the spawn wall, warzone, map limit, and the reason we can't sell to the server.

Removing this rule would result me and wren probably building my 50*80 darkroom and get to axe,sword,unarmed skill at 500 in less than a week and also getting ~30k-40k thus ruining the economy and making us a super power.


Level 21
Jul 19, 2011
But anyone is armed with the tools to do so, therefore blocking it is still only crippling part of the game and unjustly ripping the game out of the hands of the players. I understand why automated ones arnt allowed because the drops cause lag, but instead we could implement a rule stating that leaving them active isnt against the rules or they must have lava at the end to burn the drops when the player isnt collecting.

--- merged: Aug 28, 2011 at 7:53 PM ---

And you didnt respond to the fact that its still just an automated system built against every new player. I still think faction hopping or alt accounting should be against the rules because it denies the point of factions entirely; which is to provide a fair, balanced, way to protect your base. If some one can simply join and grief or steal from you, theres no point in using it. : (


Level 35
Jul 3, 2011

"We can get 9 alts on this server"

"3 for each one of our members"


Level 44
Jan 29, 2011

Factions doesn't just add saftey it add a new style of game play wher you have to think about who you trust and who to not trust. it's not peoples fault if you too stupid to realize when your being used.


Level 29
Jul 3, 2011

Although I deeply respect your points about the blocking of mob spawners I do feel that there is the exact same threat is applied if a faction which has been farming for a month before new players join have a huge advantage. You have to remember that it's not just Faction creation / land and Ranks you can buy with money but it's weaponry and armour as well. A large amount of player income will be generated (if goes to plan) in the nether. You will not be able to teleport from the nether using commands, transfer money etc. Also the nether will most likely be scaled down from the above world at say 4:1. It's impossible for anyone at this point to speculate and say it's hard for new members to create a faction as we haven't set a price on monsters yet. If we happen to get 20 people in the nether at a time then at points PvP will occur and new players may feel 'cheated' but then again I'm not stopping them from completely bypassing the 'farming mobs' method. For example Global Shops will price diamond higher and therefore it may be perfectly viable for a player to go mining and trade. In fact if you prefer us to leave global shops out of the equation completely we may be open to that. Additionally I want to remove the automated farming once and for all because it's BORING!

Hope I helped clear that up?

- Dannie


Level 21
Jul 19, 2011
"We can get 9 alts on this server"

"3 for each one of our members"

I was simply making the point that while I CAN use alt accounts or have people hop factions I dont simply because it ruins the game play to BOTH sides, not trying to be a blaggart about having tons of power or the like. Also, I said that just a particular three of my members have 7-10 alt accounts individually (I have no idea as to WHY) not that we have three members.

@britishvampire Thats not exactly the point I was making. What I meant is that factions makes it so that you have a way to fight back, not to be a safe. Another thing is it just makes so no one wants to really recruit anyone, due to the fact that if they join they could grief and steal everything, only making it even more difficult for some one to build up enough to create a faction. With no way to protect resources by being able to join one and no way to create one and protect them without the resources to make one it will make starting extremely difficult, a process alot of people wont find worth going through.

And yes, thank you Dannie.