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Everyone can post news here.The news posted here could be anything from gaming to world news.This section will be monitored fairly heavily.
Hello Minecrafters!This has been way too long for us to present but it is finally here! TU 14 for Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 will be out later today on Xbox 360 and tomorrow on PS3. I hope you will enjoy it. Make sure you hook up your console to the internet to enjoy the latest update ;)Here is the full change log. I hope you will enjoy it and for you guys asking about the Xbox One and Playstation 4 edition: It is being worked on as we speak! I got no proper dates yet, but hopefully soon we can tell you!New Items:-Emerald -Emerald Ore -Block of Emerald -Ender Chest -Tripwire Hook -Enchanted Golden Apple -Anvil -Flower Pot -Cobblestone Walls -Mossy Cobblestone Walls -Wither Painting -Potato -Baked Potato -Poisonous Potato...
We are going to GDC this weekend, so there will be a pause in snapshots for a short while. But before we get on the plane, we wanted you to have the latest changes to play with.Please report any and all bugs you find in Minecraft to bugs.mojang.com. If nobody reports a bug, we can’t fix it!Survival changes:Changed minecart physics Made furnace minecart actually useful Improved the general mob AI And some surprises, try to find themMapmaker changes:Fixed some minor bugsBugs fixed in this snapshot:[Bug MC-47585] – Derailed minecarts sink into the ground [Bug MC-47695] – Minecart hitbox is too tall [Bug MC-50413] – Custom UUIDLeast/UUIDMost pair yields error [Bug MC-50452] – Rails don't render from below [Bug MC-50838] –...
Once again the majority of our time between this and the last snapshot has been spent on Plugin API related tasks (most notably inventory rewrite, block model format and block state concepting), and as such this is mostly a bugfix & mapmaker snapshot. Don’t worry, we have some cool survival plans soon!This snapshot also has the (hopefully-)final step towards supporting name changes in Minecraft. All server files that are intended to refer to players will be automatically changed to go by UUIDs, and you do not need to do anything. However, this does mean that any third party tool will not work on these files, and will need to be updated to work with them.Though names changes are technically supported in this snapshot, they will not...
In epsidode four of Radio Cobalt, Daniel and Pontus explains the nuances of Cobalt tactics, and explains the difficulties of adding online multiplayer to a reaction-based game.Radio Cobalt is a series of videos featuring Pontus and Daniel of Oxeye Game Studio. Watch, listen and learn about Cobalt – a game made by Oxeye and published by Mojang. It’s coming to PC, Mac, Xbox 360 and PS3 this year. Buy into the PC/Mac Alpha too, if you fancy.Cheers!Continue reading...
I’m heading out to Austin, Texas for the SXSW Gaming Expo. It is one of the only free events at SXSW and I will be doing a Minecraft talk on the Geek Stage in the convention area.Details: Saturday, March 8th from 2:30-3:15pm at the Palmer Events CenterMore information about the talk.More information about the Gaming Expo.Come dressed in Minecraft cosplay and you may just win an awesome prize!After the talk I’ll be hanging around to say hello to anyone who comes by.See you this Saturday!- Lydia @lydiawintersContinue reading...
Scrolls has just received its fourth major update. It’s called Rebellion and brings with it new gameplay mechanics, scrolls, trials and more! Check Scrolls.com for a more thorough list of changes.If you’re new to Scrolls, now is a great time to get involved. You can buy into the Alpha at Scrolls.com/buy.Have a good day everyone! Owen – @bopogamelContinue reading...
Hey hey!Suddenly, a new Minecraft update! Tomorrow morning (Wednesday February 26) we are going to update Minecraft to version 1.7.5. This is a relatively small update from 1.7.4, and brings the following…Minecraft Realms adds mini game support (as described in this YouTube clip) Several server-side performance improvements and bug fixes Preparations to bring Minecraft Realms to more countries!Specifically, we aim to open Minecraft Realms to all Nordic countries (Norway, Finland, Iceland and Denmark) starting some time next week.We are still working on snapshots for 1.8, but before 1.8 is out we already know there will be a 1.7.6 version too. Minecraft 1.7.6 will add support for the new skin system (which currently is in the...
They say the third episode is the hardest, but we made it! This time the topic is about the single-player experience of Cobalt!Radio Cobalt is a series of videos featuring Pontus and Daniel of Oxeye Game Studio. Watch, listen and learn about Cobalt – a game made by Oxeye and published by Mojang. It’s coming to PC, Mac, Xbox 360 and PS3 this year. Buy into the PC/Mac Alpha too, if you fancy.Cheers!Continue reading...
We’ve been working on major rewrites (inventories/menus/block models) for the upcoming API still, but here’s a bugfixy snapshot in the mean time!Please report any and all bugs you find in Minecraft to bugs.mojang.com. If nobody reports a bug, we can’t fix it!Bugs fixed in this snapshot:[Bug MC-45114] – Superflat Customization still uses Block IDs [Bug MC-48386] – Iron Trapdoor has the name "tile.ironTrapdoor.name" [Bug MC-48395] – When swimming in water, you do not drown. [Bug MC-48399] – /execute not obeying the gamerule commandBlockOutput false rule [Bug MC-48408] – Hopper: java.lang.NullPointerException: Handling packet [Bug MC-48411] – java.lang.NullPointerException: Exception in server tick loop [Bug MC-48414] – Nametag...
Good afternoon!We thought it would be good to give you a quick update on the status of Pocket Edition.We’re working on restructuring a lot of code to allow significantly bigger worlds in future updates. We’re also updating the AI, inventory, and a bunch of other things. Unfortunately we don’t have a release date yet, but so far, everything is going to plan.Here’s a picture of an upcoming animal. Enjoy!Another note for those of you who are involved in the beta testing phase of Pocket Realms: we’re pausing access to the service on the 1st of March. The Realms team is currently focused on the upcoming release of PC Realms. Once that’s done, we’ll be in a better place to work on Pocket Realms and make it as good as it possibly...
We’ve still been working hard on rewriting internal stuff (such as how blocks are rendered, or how the entire inventory system works) in preparation for the Plugin API. Meanwhile, have another smaller snapshot with a bunch of bug fixes and some more adventure map related stuffs!Notable changes for everybody:Added iron trapdoors You can now share to lan for spectator mode onlyNotable changes for mapmakers:A resourcepack can now be bundled with a map, put it in the map save directory and name it “resources.zip”Example: ".minecraft/saves/TheMapWithTheThing/resources.zip"The commands /testfor, /testforblock and /clear can now test for partial matches of NBT listsExample: /testfor @p...
It’s the most wonderful time of the week! A new episode of Radio Cobalt has been unleashed!Episode 2 is mostly about multiplayer. Learn how Ridley Scott influenced Cobalt’s development, Daniel’s favourite way to kill Pontus, and see fresh footage of the tactical Team-Strike mode.Radio Cobalt is a series of videos featuring Pontus and Daniel of Oxeye Game Studio. Watch, listen and learn about Cobalt – a game made by Oxeye and published by Mojang. It’s coming to PC, Mac, Xbox 360 and PS3 this year. Buy into the PC/Mac Alpha too, if you fancy.Have a lovely day!Owen – @bopogamel, Pontus – @Kinten, and Daniel – @vraketContinue reading...
Hello!Something cool happened yesterday. The nice chaps at PC Gamer hosted a Battle Royale of competitive one-screen fighting games, and they opened proceedings by playing Cobalt – a game developed by Oxeye Game Studios and published by Mojang.You can watch the showdown on their twitch channel (skip to around 12 minutes in to for the action). If it wets your appetite for Cobalt videos, check the first episode of Radio Cobalt – a series of videos featuring developers Daniel and Pontus. Episode 2 will be out soon!Have a great weekend everyone!Owen – @bopogamelContinue reading...
We’ve been rewriting a lot of internal stuff this week, so this snapshot may not be super fantastic featureful but trust me it’ll be worth it in the end.Notable changes for survival:A lot of mob AI has changed. This should mean nothing, but may actually mean something. Don’t sit on slimes.Notable changes for mapmakers:Added an optional hotkey to show outlines on players whilst spectating It’s now possible to spawn in ItemEntities that can’t be picked up (PickupDelay=32767) It’s now possible to spawn in ItemEntities that won’t expire (Age=-32768) Added an extra argument to /effect that will hide particles Statistics for items/blocks can now be referenced per name, instead of ID Added new objective criteria ‘trigger’, and a...
Hi guys,PC/Mac users might have noticed some tweaks to the way Minecraft skins work. Now you can use 64 by 64 pixel skins, allowing for more creativity with your looks.The changes caused some teething problems with 57digital’s Minecraft Skin Studio last week, but their most recent update has fixed the issues. Skin Studio now has full support for the new skins, automatic conversion of old skins to the new format, and lots of other convenient features.You can download Minecraft Skin Studio at www.minecraftskinstudio.com. It’s available for iOS, Android, and Kindle.Have fun!Owen – @bopogamelContinue reading...
Look! It’s the first episode of Radio Cobalt!Radio Cobalt is a series of videos featuring Pontus and Daniel of Oxeye Game Studio. Watch, listen and learn about Cobalt – a game made by Oxeye and published by Mojang. It’s coming to PC, Mac, Xbox 360 and PS3 this year.We’ll be releasing more episodes over the next few weeks where we go into more depth on Cobalt’s features and the development process. We hope you enjoy them!Owen – @bopogamel, Pontus – @Kinten, and Daniel – @vraketContinue reading...
One day this piece of text will contain some really important information that could change the fate of Humanity, and nobody would know because nobody reads this text anyway. Oh, sorry, what was that? Snapshot? Oh right yes of course! Here we go:Notable additions for survival:Book copying mechanics has been altered to differentiate the original & copies of books Activator rails can eject entities from MinecartsNotable additions for mapmakers:Added a spectator gamemode (/gamemode spectator). Not 100% finished. Spectators cannot be seen by anybody but other spectators Spectators can view inventories/etc, but not modify them Spectators can go through any entity or block without interfering with it Spectators can click on...
Hello all! Hope you are enjoying the picking and placing of blocks! Just wanted to let you know that Minecraft on PS3 recently sold over 1 million copies (that has to be some kind of record on PSN, no?). It is crazy considering the game was released just before Christmas last year. We are super grateful for the support and we are very thankful for your dedication and I hope you will like the future updates we have planned for you (more on that in a later blog post).Enjoy your weekend! xoxo/Daniel – @kappischeContinue reading...
Snapshot. Snapshot snapshot snapshot. Snapshot’s snapshot. Snapshot snapshot snapshot snapshot. Snapshot? Snapshot!!Notable additions for survival:Item frames can give off a signal detected by Comparators. Lots of changes to villager AI. Some of them now actually do stuff! Looting now gives 1% chance of rare loot per level Iron Golems/Zombie Pigmen now drop items on normal kills You can now spawn Iron Golems/Snow Golems/Withers with dispensers + pumpkin/skulls respectively Bushes can now catch fire Buttons can now be placed on ceiling/floors Seecret Changes Balancing tweaks!Notable additions for mapmakers:New command /particle to show particle effects in the world. It can also be relative to entities. Example: /particle lava...
Hey guys,You might remember this post from the end of last year. Basically, everyone who bought Scrolls before December 19th received a free Scrolls code to give to a buddy. Though lots of you have given your code away, there are still a few that haven’t been redeemed.I mention this because the codes will only work for the next two weeks. After that they become a meaningless stream of letters and numbers, which is significantly less fun than playing Scrolls with a friend or loved one.So do the right thing, eh? Log into your Mojang account and give the gift of Scrolls. It’s a very nice thing to do.Have a great day!Owen – @bopogamelContinue reading...
Snapshot time! We’ve fixed a whole bunch of bugs introduced in last weeks snapshots, introduced a few new commands and tweaked a few things that needed tweaking.Notable additions for mapmakers:/tp now supports rotation arguments Player selectors (@p, @e, etc) now support cubic areas. For example: @e[x=0,y=0,z=0,dx=10,dy=10,dz=10] gets all entities between 0,0,0 and 10,10,10 Added /clone command to copy large areas to other areas Added a /fill command to fill a large area with a blockTo get snapshots, open your launcher and press the “New Profile” button. Call it “snapshots” and check the box saying “Enable experimental development snapshots” and save. To switch to the normal version, you can select it in the dropdown at the...
Update: A ‘b’ snapshot has been released to fix lots of crashes!The first snapshot of Minecraft 1.8 has arrived! This update will be split into two primary focuses: Survival gameplay & improvements, and new fancy abilities for adventure maps! We’ve done a whole bunch of optimizing for both the client and server (with more to come!) and lots more work towards the Plugin API in the background. As this is the very first snapshot of 1.8, do remember to backup your worlds before trying it!Big survival changes:3 new stone types! Major Enchanting & Repairing changes! Mossy stone bricks recipe! Updated Villager trading! Doors stack! Slime blocks! Lots of other tweaks, changes, bug fixes and secret features!Big Adventure Map changes...
Hi everyone,You’ve probably heard of Minecraft Realms by now. It’s a paid service that lets you quickly create an online Minecraft world for you and friends to play in together. It’s simple to set-up, easy to manage, and configured from within the Minecraft client.Your world is always online, even if you aren’t logged in. You can invite up to 20 friends to your Realm, and 10 can play at once. The whole thing is hosted on our servers and can be configured from inside Minecraft. It’s very jolly.Minecraft Realms is currently available in Sweden for PC Minecraft only. Anyone who attended this year’s Minecon can also access Realms by redeeming the Realms pre-paid giftcard that came in their giftbag.Realms subscriptions currently...
Season’s greetings!Is there anything more special than giving the gift of Minecraft to a loved one?Probably. But it’s pretty special nonetheless.Lots of you buy Minecraft for your friends and family during Christmas, which is lovely. To make it a little bit more special, we’ve designed a gift card-type thing that you can print out. It’s much more festive than sending a numbers and letters in an email.To print out your card, buy a gift code, then click the link when prompted. You’ll get a festive foldable card, along with a handy instruction sheet from the printer.Have a lovely holiday season everyone!Owen – @bopogamelContinue reading...
It’s the most Christmassy time of the year!For that reason, everyone who’s bought Scrolls is about to receive an extra copy to give to a friend. I’ve posted details on Scrolls.com to explain exactly how you can send it out, so go there and give the gift of Scrolls. Very festive.Merry Christmas from the whole Scrolls Team!Owen - @bopogamelContinue reading...
It’s here! The pre-release is finally here! We’ll be expecting to push this live next week if we encounter no major issues. The most notable changes in 1.7.3 compared to 1.7.2 are as follows:Added integrated Twitch broadcasting! See below for details. Fixed render distances above 8 (may not work in multiplayer, servers have their own view distance they limit you to) Many bug fixes and optimizations!At Minecon we announced our new partnership with Twitch to bring one-click broadcasting to Minecraft. It has been in the recent snapshots, and proven to be very stable and ready to go live.Before you can start streaming, you will need to visit your Mojang account settings and link a Twitch account to your Mojang account. Then in the...
Change of plan with the pre-release! We fixed some big bugs, namely large render distances now actually work (best seen on Singleplayer). Today we’re giving out a new snapshot to test this and other things, and if all goes well we’ll pre-release tomorrow (Friday!)To get snapshots, open your launcher and press the “New Profile” button. Call it “snapshots” and check the box saying “Enable experimental development snapshots” and save. To switch to the normal version, you can select it in the dropdown at the bottom left corner of the launcher.Server cross-platform jar: https://s3.amazonaws.com/Minecraft.Download/versions/13w49a/minecraft_server.13w49a.jarReport bugs here:Minecraft issue tracker!// The Minecraft and Minecraft...
We’ll be releasing Minecraft 1.7.3 next week, with a pre-release this Thursday. As such, have a small bug-fix snapshot!To get snapshots, open your launcher and press the “New Profile” button. Call it “snapshots” and check the box saying “Enable experimental development snapshots” and save. To switch to the normal version, you can select it in the dropdown at the bottom left corner of the launcher.Server cross-platform jar: https://s3.amazonaws.com/Minecraft.Download/versions/13w48a/minecraft_server.13w48a.jarReport bugs here:Minecraft issue tracker!// The Minecraft and Minecraft Realms teamsContinue reading...
At Minecon we announced our new partnership with Twitch to bring one-click broadcasting to Minecraft. After a little wait, we’re now ready to make this publicly testable! This is the very first snapshot to include this functionality and it may be a little buggy, and we’re not finished with all the features yet, but hopefully it’ll be enough for you to play with and give feedback on!Before you can start streaming, you will need to visit your Mojang account settings and link a Twitch account to your Mojang account. Then in the game you may check the quality settings in Options -> Broadcast Options, or just go ahead and start broadcasting at any time by hitting F6. This key can be configured in the Controls options.Currently this is...
It feels like we’ve been working on this for a year now, with more than half a million lines of code changed over 1,104 commits we’ve been working extremely hard on this update. We’re calling this one “The update that changed the world”, because it really has in two different ways; there’s over twice the amount of ingame biomes, and we’ve overhauled lots of the code preparing for the plugin API.Here’s a list of cool things that may be coming your way on Friday, if the pre-release goes well!New world generation!Double the amount of biomes, with new trees/flowers/blocks. New “Amplified” world option. Less ocean, more awesome.New blocks!Two new types of wood. Stained glass! With both blocks and panes. Packed ice, red sand...