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Everyone can post news here.The news posted here could be anything from gaming to world news.This section will be monitored fairly heavily.
In order to perform some much needed updates to our databases we have decided to schedule a maintenance session. It will take place Tuesday April 14 from 08:00 to 12:00 CEST (UTC+2).During the maintenance period you will not be able to log in to Minecraft, Scrolls, or Cobalt. Most of our websites will also be unavailable. This does not affect Minecraft: Pocket Edition or the console editions of Minecraft.We’re of course sorry about any inconvenience this may cause you. Rest assured that we would not be doing this unless it was absolutely necessary./The Mojang Web ForceContinue reading...
It’s been a while, but we’re ready to announce the theme of the next update and finally give you guys the first peek at what we’ve been working on for the last few months! We’re pretty excited and I hope that you will be too. Let’s get to it!Minecraft 1.10: The Love and Hugs UpdateWe thought long and hard about what the next update should be about. Over the last few years we’ve touched everything from survival to creative, monsters to blocks, overhauled the world itself and the way people play in it. It took us a while to come to a conclusion on where we should branch out next, but with some help of some recent public criticism we realized the true direction we should be taking with this truly inspirational game.It is well known...
Hello!I know it’s taken a bit of time to get everything ready, but we are now able to announce ticket sales for MINECON 2015 which will be in London on July 4-5! We’ll be selling tickets online at minecon.mojang.com on Friday March 27th and Saturday March 28th at the London ExCel Convention Center. As always, if you attend MINECON you’ll also get a fancy new cape! There’s a lot of information below but please read it if you plan on purchasing tickets, it’s all important.Here’s how it will work:– Tickets will be £129 each – Tickets will only be sold at minecon.mojang.com, and they will be sold through Eventbrite – 5,000 tickets will go on sale at 6pm GMT (that’s London time) on Friday, March 27, 2015 – 5,000 additional tickets will...
Hey!I thought it was worth mentioning that Scrolls has just received a massive patch. All kinds of things have been improved, added, and tweaked. It’s more fun than it’s ever been before!Gary has written a great post outlining all the changes over at Scrolls.com. Give it a read, eh?Oh, and if you haven’t bought Scrolls yet, click here to download the demo. It’s a happy bundle of fun.Have a great weekend everyone!Owen – @bopogamelContinue reading...
Finally, after many weeks of development and seven pre-releases, Minecraft 1.8.2 is ready for release. It is now available in the Minecraft launcher and the server can be downloaded from the Minecraft website download page.Only minor changes were made since pre-release 7 which was available since Monday. Version 1.8.2 is also fully compatible with all previous server versions (1.8 and 1.8.1), but we recommend to update to 1.8.2 as soon as possible to benefit from all bug fixes and improvements we made in the game.Report bugs here:Minecraft issue tracker!Continue reading...
The longest running series of pre-releases is airing its final episode today.We are getting close to the release of Minecraft 1.8.2, here is just one more snapshot to make sure we did not break anything with our latest bugfixes and performance tweaks. If everything goes as planned, version 1.8.2 will be released on Thursday, 19th of February 2015.These issues were solved in this pre-release:[Bug MC-0] – Not enough hugs given since the holidays ended [Bug MC-141] – "/spawnpoint" command fails directly on Pressure Plates, Cobwebs, Signs, Open Fence Gates [Bug MC-3416] – Player location marker invisible on map (wrong Z-Order). One-line fix included. [Bug MC-13057] – Multiplayer "back to title screen" button incorrect [Bug MC-47832]...
It’s time again to announce the next MINECON!If you like Minecraft, and you like people who like Minecraft, you’ll probably like MINECON. It’s THE place to see all the cool Mojangstas you fancy, meet people who love Minecraft maybe even as much as you do, and attend panels and events full of YouTube creators and a ton of other talented folks!This summer we are heading to London, UK to hang out with 10,000 of our closest friends (hint: that’s you!). As usual there will be panels, contests, tournaments, events and a soon-to-be-announced show-of-some-sort for our Saturday night bash.WHEN: July 4-5, 2015WHERE: ExCeL London Exhibition and Conference CentreWHO: You, hopefully!Since you’re bound to have more questions, I’ll ask...
Hey! Remember the Humble Card Game Bundle we mentioned last week? It just got even better! Now, if you pay over the average you get the two snazzy Scrolls avatar heads you can see up there, along with a bunch of other cool stuff.Not too shabby. For more info, check out the Scrolls Humble Bundle FAQ.Thanks for reading!Owen – @bopogamelContinue reading...
Hey!Most of you are familiar with the way Minecraft servers work, but lots of you aren’t. We’d like to fix that.Put simply, servers give Minecraft players the opportunity to play together online.There are many different types of servers, and we love almost all of them Apart from Minecraft Realms (which is another way for players to enjoy a persistent world with friends), no servers are owned or run by us. They are independent and set up by many different types of people for many different reasons. Some are set up by fans of the game so they can play with their friends and family, some are created to make money, some are weird social experiments that we don’t really understand.Many third-party Minecraft servers give our players...
Have you been hacked? What’s going on, Moj? No! We haven’t been hacked. A bunch of bad people have tricked some of our users into disclosing their account information. We’ve emailed everyone affected, and reset all compromised passwords. If you haven’t received an email from us, you don’t need to worry.No-one has gained access to the Mojang mainframe. Even if they did, we store your passwords in a super encrypted format. Honestly, you don’t need to panic.So how did they get the info? You were hacked, weren’t you? No – we weren’t hacked. The bad people got their hands on other people’s passwords by using an evil technique called “phishing.” That basically means they pretend to be Mojang and fool people into entering their private...
Do you like digital card games? What about real-life, physical ones? T Shirts? Secret stuff? I bet you do.For that reason, you should obviously buy the Humble Card Game Bundle. It’s a very clever thing; you get different amounts of stuff depending on how much money you’re willing to pony up. You also get to choose exactly where your money goes. Hand it over to one of a few different charities, the games developers, or the good folks at Humble Bundle.Here’s an explanation of what you get for your cash. If it seems confusing, that’s because it is! Sorry.Free (available without purchase)Card City Nights (Digital + Print and Play) Escape from the Aliens in Outer Space (Print and Play)Pay What You WantScrolls Full Version...
Everyone likes big numbers, right? I know I do. Here’s a stonker: 30,000,000! You good people have bought Minecraft: Pocket Edition over 30 million times. Thanks!Let’s put that into perspective: if each Pocket Edition sale was an average sized dog, and you walked said dog every day with a retractable leash in moderate temperatures across uneven terrain, it would consume approximately 290,566,788^3 kj of energy. I know. It’s a big number.To celebrate the sales milestone, we’re planning a question and answer session with the devs. It will be broadcast LIVE on the internet. And you get to supply the questions.Hit this reddit thread and submit your query. We’ll pick the top-voted/least offensive ones and put them to the devs LIVE on...
Yes, it’s true! In the near future you will be able to change your Minecraft in-game name.When? When! When?! We plan to make name changing available on February 4th.What do I need to do this? Will it cost money? The only thing you need is a Mojang account. If you currently sign in to Minecraft with an email address, you’re all good! Otherwise, you can migrate your old Minecraft account here. There are no other requirements, and it doesn’t cost any money.It sounds good! Where can I do it? Just head on over to your Mojang account page! Once the feature is made available you’ll see a “change” link next to your Minecraft name.Can I steal somebody’s name? Can I call myself “Dinnerbone” too? No. There is already somebody called...
Hello again!I just posted about Minecraft Skin Studio Encore, but I have even more exciting news to share. Design a festive skin using the app and you’ll be in with a chance of winning an Xbox One!Here’s how the competition will work:Submit a festive skin to Minecraft: Skin Studio Encore between December 22nd and January 5th. Include #xmas in the title! Don’t forget to include #xmas in the title of your skin. That part is super important! The more festive the skin, the better! Santas, Snowmen, Elves, Mince Pies, the lot. All users can “Like” their favourite festive skin. Whoever gets the most likes by the 5th of January wins. The winner of the competition gets an Xbox One and Minecraft: Xbox One Edition! Nice! Terms & conditions...
Minecraft Seeds Pro – the best seed-sharing app ever developed – has just received a massive update. Even better, it’s $1.99 instead of $2.99 from today (it’s Christmas Eve in case you didn’t know), until the 29th of December!Here’s what comes with the latest update:Group PM, stay in touch with ALL your Minecraft friends directly through private messaging in the app! Follow your friends and let them follow you and you can PM each other directly and instantly directly from the app, without exchanging numbers or anything! Up to 10 users can PM in the same group! Browse through thousands of awesome seeds and creations posted by other users! Get featured with your own! Share your creations, post your favourite seeds and discuss cool...
To celebrate two years of skin sharing, Minecraft Skin Studio has been completely redesigned!Since the release of Skin Studio over 900,000 skins have been created, almost 3,000,000 comments written, and over 2,500,000 likes cast. Not too shabby. A lot has changed in Minecraft since then too, so rather than patch the older version, the good people at 57digital have remade their app from the ground up.Skin Studio Encore now features:A completely new user interface and easier to use editing system Full support for both Steve & Alex 3D Previews everywhere – including while editing your skin! Uses the new Minecraft API for importing a skin by username Loads of advanced tools (including the much requested copy & paste!) Over 900,000...
Just in time before the holidays, we have the pre-release for 1.8.2 ready. There are some bug fixes and performance tweaks we wanted to get out to you before most of us leave for vacation during the Christmas holidays.As always, there are some bugs fixed:[Bug MC-51573] – Hostile mobs continue to follow/attack you in spectator mode [Bug MC-65697] – Explosion force on entities is directionally biased [Bug MC-66089] – Explosion physics changed, range of some TNT cannons greatly reducedAside from bug fixes and performance increases this update includes cookies, milk and of course lots of hugs. Don’t open your gifts before Christmas!The Minecraft team and everybody else at Mojang wish you happy holidays and a great transition into...
Scrolls – Mojang’s second game – has just been released on PC, Mac, and Android tablet.Scrolls costs $5 but you can play the demo version for free! Wander over to scrolls.com and download it!Scrolls is hardly anything like Minecraft, but it’s still super fun to play. Watch the trailer below to get an idea of how the game works.See you on the battlefield, Mojang fan. You are great!Owen – @bopogamel, and the Scrolls team.Continue reading...
Hello!Windows phones just got significantly cooler. Now you can play Minecraft: Pocket Edition on the darn things! Hooray for Minecraft! Hooray for Windows phones! Hooray for portable gaming devices. Hooray for direct download links!Just in case you’re not sure what a Windows phone is, I’ve included a handy reference image below.Minecraft: Pocket Edition for Windows phones costs a reasonable £4.99/$6.99, and includes all the features that come with the iOS and Android versions.Download and be merry, kind crafter folk.Owen – @bopogamelContinue reading...
Hello, friends.You’ve probably heard of ebola by now. It’s a terrible disease that’s claimed over 5000 lives in a recent epidemic in West Africa. We’ve known about it for over 40 years, but it’s still considered a serious illness with no known cure.Despite that, 50% of ebola sufferers do survive, and potential vaccines are currently being tested. Good hospital care and emergency shipments to Liberia, Guinea, and Sierra Leone are vital during this time of need. But they don’t come cheap.That’s where we can help out! A crew of Mojangstas, along with a few other game developers are participating in a game jam that runs from now until 11AM PST/8PM CET on Saturday. Even better, every smidgen of cash raised goes straight to Direct...
Minecraft Realms is getting even more exciting! We’ve packed it to the brim with fresh mini-games, maps to spark an epic adventure, and intricate custom spawns.Realms gives you and your friends a persistent Minecraft world. It doesn’t matter if the host is online or what time of day it is; Realms worlds are always available for building, adventuring, and crafting. You can start from a random seed, or choose one of our pre-installed maps. You can even switch between the two and save/restore your progress when convenient.We thought it would be good to give you a rundown of the pre-made maps currently included in Realms. Thanks to all the fantastic community members for creating these masterpieces. You are all talented and generous and...
We’ve been keeping a close eye on the 1.8 release and have put together a small update that should fix a lot of issues that people have reported to us. This update is compatible with 1.8 servers, but even though it’s not strictly required to update to 1.8.1 we’d strongly recommend that you do for all the performance and stability gains it gives you.Bug fixes:[Bug MC-3] – Player facing changes when passing through nether portals. [Bug MC-4] – Item Drops Sometimes Appear at the Wrong Location [Bug MC-1607] – Ghost End Portal in The End / Missing layer with AMD/ATI graphics cards [Bug MC-2545] – Persistant Chunk error / Corrupted world / Wrong location spam [Bug MC-6594] – Non-living entities (boats, minecarts, fallingsand, item...
(n.b. the picture is a montage)Hi everybody!We have some great news to share! Minecraft for PSVita is coming tomorrow and we hope you’ll enjoy it. It has been a lot of work with 4J and Sony to make this happen and we’re thrilled to see what you guys will build on the go!Remember that if you have already bought Minecraft for PS3 you’ll get the Vita version for free! You can also transfer worlds between the PS3 and PSVita! And if you want to buy the PS4 version after that, it will only cost you 4,99 smackeroonies! Here is also a longer article from Sony about the various purchase options:http://blog.eu.playstation.com/2014/10/10/minecraft-ps-vita-edition-launches-playstation-store-next-week/xoxo/Daniel – @kappischeContinue...
Creating video games is creative, fun, and cool. Loads of awesome people are doing it right now. And you can be one of those awesome people! To celebrate, the friendly folk at Oxeye Game Studio are hosting a Cobalt Game Jam this weekend.That basically means that a bunch of folk have agreed to make a game within a set time limit. Some participants are streaming their progress too; it’s a great way to get instant feedback and stay motivated.The Oxeye Game Jam is a casual affair. There’s no pressure or cost, but there is an extremely high chance of fun and increased knowledge. The jam finishes this Sunday at 12:00 CET.If you’re interested in taking part, or would like to watch the current participants cook up their creations, visit...
Yes, the deal is real. Mojang is being bought by Microsoft.It was reassuring to see how many of your opinions mirrored those of the Mojangstas when we heard the news. Change is scary, and this is a big change for all of us. It’s going to be good though. Everything is going to be OK. <3Please remember that the future of Minecraft and you – the community – are extremely important to everyone involved. If you take one thing away from this post, let it be that.We can only share so much information right now, but we’ve decided that being as honest as possible is the best approach. We’re still working a lot of this stuff out. Mega-deals are serious business.Why did you sell Minecraft? Minecraft has grown from a simple game to a...
Yeay! Minecraft for Xbox One is available to download from Xbox Marketplace! Here are some questions and answers to celebrate.I’ve bought Minecraft for my Xbox 360 but now I want it on my Xbox One. Help me!If you’ve bought Xbox 360 digitally, or played online with the the disc version, you can upgrade to Xbox One Edition for just $4.99. Log into the Xbox Marketplace to upgrade. You can import your existing Xbox 360 world to Xbox One Edition. To so that, load up Xbox 360 Edition, upload your world to the Excellent Xbone Extra Cool Cloud (not the official name), then re-download it from inside Xbox One Edition. All of your existing Xbox 360 DLC will work on Xbox One Edition. You can’t play cross-platform between Xbox 360 and Xbox...
Yeay! If you’re in Europe, you can download Minecraft for Playstation 4 right now. It’ll be available in the US very soon. Here are some questions and answers to celebrate!I’ve bought Minecraft for my Playstation 3 but now I want it on my Playstation 4. Help me!If you’ve bought Playstation 3 Edition digitally, or played online with the the disc version, you can upgrade to Playstation 4 Edition for just $4.99. Log into the PSN store to upgrade. You can import your existing Playstation 3 worlds to Playstation 4 Edition. To do that you’ll need to load up Playstation 3 Edition, upload your world to the Magical Minecraft Cloud Land (not the official name), then re-download it from inside Playstation 4 Edition. You can’t play...
The 1.8 update is now published to the launcher! Your game should be updated automatically.See this post for a list of changes and features: Pre-release infoGet the cross-platform server jar here: https://s3.amazonaws.com/Minecraft.Download/versions/1.8/minecraft_server.1.8.jarReport bugs here:Minecraft issue tracker!// The Minecraft TeamContinue reading...
Hello!It’s time for us to pre-release the next major Minecraft update, the Bountiful Update! This will bring Minecraft to version 1.8, and should be officially be published in the launcher on Tuesday, September 2. This is the update that to date has taken the longest time to create (over 300 days), and is the result of many, many changes.These changes consist of both new features, and large game structure changes such as replacing the hard-coded “block renderer” with a system that is able to read block shapes from data files, or performance enhancements such as multi-threading the client-side chunk rendering. We hope you will enjoy it!Here’s a list of the major changes in the game:Added Granite, Andesite, and Diorite stone...