Xavier's Mediator Application


Level 1
Jul 16, 2011
Position Wanted : Mediator

IGN : _Xavier_

Age: > 15

Timezone: > EST

Relevant Experience: I helped out the admins on 2 servers before I joined Aggression PvP.

Hello! I love Aggression PvP and the outstanding community it has. I am kind, generous, and strict when I need to be. I enjoy working working with people and I am a student counselor at my high school. During my time as a student counselor, I learned that a kind and strong helping hand is one of the greatest things people respond to when in depression, anger, or under stress. I don't like people who lie, cheat, or bully.

I have been playing Minecraft since the beta hit 1.3. I first found out about Minecraft through videos on Youtube like "X's Adventures In Minecraft", or "The Yogscast". After I met a friend at my school who played Minecraft and CSS, I decided to buy a good computer and began playing such games. I used to play on a server called [Mountain Blade] with my friends AWhite__Guy, and hooty203. After we left Mountain Blade because of a massive grief on our storage/hideout, we found Evocraft. It was fun for a while, until we had problems with spawncampers. All this led us to Aggression PvP, which is the best server I've played on yet. I interact often with the community and always help new members if they need anything.

I used to play Terraria, but got bored of it. I play Xbox as well as a few other games for the PC. I would love to help out the Aggression PvP staff and community and look forward to working with everyone.




Level 29
Jul 3, 2011
Going to put this application on hold. Our staff selection is currently loaded with as many as we would like. We wont lock this thread though, as you may want it when there are spots open.

- The Administration Team