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The Luck3rs! (Luck3rs)


Level 3
Aug 6, 2011
The Luck3rs!


Since early 2011, the Luck3rs have roamed different Minecraft servers, built up well-organized hideouts and invited only the best men (and women). All the members have their own personallities and skills, with one exception. They all praise the leader, Mr_Lucky!

The last stop of the Luck3rs was Aggression PvP, where they saw their future. This server matched their needs; a popular, hardcore PvP server.


Currently, The Luck3rs only invites players we trust completely. You need to be loyal, nice, trustworthy and not be a n00b. Please note that we do not accept people who bugs us with "invite me plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz" or similar.


Here in The Luck3rs, we currently have the following ranks:

-Newbie: The first rank you become when you join us. People on the Newbie rank have not yet gained our trust completely, and are therefore on a kind of trial to prove that they are ready to join us. The in-game title is [Newbie].

-Luck3r: This is the normal rank in the Luck3rs. They have gained our trust, and helps us on order. A Luck3r may have a certain skill/job which they serve us with, like mining, resource collector, cook, etc. Their in-game title is the job they master. If they have none, their in-game title is the default [Luck3r].

-Veteran: A Luck3r who's been with us for a long time, completely gained our trust and are all around awesome, and good friends of Mr_Lucky irl or online. Please note that you need Skype to become a Veteran. The Veteran Luck3rs also helps Mr_Lucky and the Mod(s) with decisions.

Their in-game title is [Veteran], allthough their full rank name is Veteran Luck3r.

-Moderator: A previous Veteran, who has showen himself extra active, good at making decisions and lead a group, and have much experience with the group. The Moderator(s) are/is Mr_Lucky's helping hand(s), and might rule over the group while he is away. The Moderators gets the Moderator rank in the faction, and the title [Moderator].

-Leader: The one and only: Mr_Lucky!!!



[Veteran Moderator]

[Moderator]O_____________o, FranLuka

[Trial Moderator]


[Head Luck3r] Sigmatik

[Luck3r]Bentl99, DES_Jake, MartianMartin, leomogenet, Benhk92, klau1720

[Newbie] Stoopis

I think that's it! I hope some of you have the courage to join our crew in the future...