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Soviets (Faction)- Plugin abuse


Level 35
Jul 3, 2011
Today I decided to walk to Atlantis to see the damage we did many weeks ago, On my way there I though what the hell I'll turn f map on. About half was there I see Soviets of the f map. Once I arrived at the chunks claimed I saw nothing. It was surely underground. After about 40 seconds or so I saw a cow then proceeded to kill it but it pointed me to what seemed to be and entrance to a base as I ready'd myself for battle I kill the cow and charged in. After a while the tunnel just stopped. I noticed the land was claimed. So I went to the surface (sadly no cows) and made a wooden pickaxe then I went to the block closest to their claimed chunk hoping that they would be stupid enough to not claim it on my way down I had F3 on where I saw a zombie so I dug toward it, upon my arrival I found what seemed to be a mineshaft with no torches. As I kill the zombie I noticed a door. It so happens that the door was open. I came in to see this.


For those wondering THIS is why the shops are closed. Permissions are DERPED up badly.

Next to the door there was a sign saying "sign" and then a tunnel, leading toward the Soviet base. Upon my arrival I was greeted by more signs, signs that look like this....


I would like these signs to be Logblook'd, for now these signs no longer work and the base is empty

I would like some bans to be issued as all of them would know about this being that they are ALL around the base.

(Cords are on the pictures)

.Rar of all of the photos (Many more than these) http://www.mediafire.com/?ixbi2u4tdgkcx1n


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Level 30
Jul 19, 2011
Wow, nice find Sea. I had a feeling they were too rich for how new they were.

--- merged: Aug 21, 2011 at 11:42 PM ---

I think you should PM an admin with this, for if a player decides to to this after seeing this. . . it won't be good.


Level 37
Jul 17, 2011
We've got the USSR, the Soviets, we've literally got Russia, and why the fuck do we need more russian wannabies?

The entire Soviet faction was pretty much banned for abusing this plugin and there isn't a faction called Russia.....

There used to be but it's disbanned.

And wannabies? lololololol. It's a faction name broskii, calm your tits.