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Sea’s Mediator Policy


Level 35
Jul 3, 2011

You are expected to read all of the rules; if you are new to the server I understand however I expect you to know.

The rules;

My policy on them

Aggression Rules - Breakdown


We have a zero tolerance policy on any modded .jars that effect the servers gameplay.

- A Minecraft.jar file that has been equip with a mod that will change your gameplay and give you an advantage over others are not allowed on Aggression. This includes flymods, Extended Reach, AutoEating, X-rays etc etc. Our server is equipped with the latest anti-hack plugins which alert our Administrators when hackers appear.

If I catch you using ANY of these you will most likely get a warning and a jail if you continue to use these.

We also forbid anything that accelerates the amount of clicks per second possible.

- We forbid anything that may reduce the time it takes to click, duplicates clicks etc. We have plugins that may detect how many times a second you are swinging weapons using light applications and macros.

Just don’t even try it.


Anything that is not intended within the Minecraft gameplay is not acceptable.

- There are various bugs in Minecraft that are yet to be fixed, all of which we frown upon on our server. We suggest that you refrain from using them as this is a bannable offence. This includes but not limited to using boats to get through doors.

This includes, negating fall damage, modified .dat file, relogging to avoid player damage, and noclipping

Abusing lag will not go unpunished.

- It is possible to use lag to your advantage to steal items, using the response time of the server and our plugins to restore blocks you shouldn't be able to break. This is a bannable offence and with BigBrother installed on our server it is incredibly easy to catch these exploiters. Additonally we do ask you don't use 'Lag' as an excuse. Lag is there and will always be there, it is therefore recommended you find a server closer to home if you are finding our server unplayable.


This including block jumping (even in spawn)

Boat glitching


Trashing public rails and locations is considered bannable.

- Aggression has several public places. We ask that you act reasonably in this places. This includes not breaking anything that is owned publicly, and created by the Administrators as well as throwing useless blocks for others to pick up.

Source block will noted and log booked.

Plugin abuse will be taken seriously.

- Using our plugins to harm our players gameplay will result in immediate removal from our server. A additional note for the VIP's of our server; we provide you with additional plugins which can be used throughout our server but enforce the severity of creating showcases and forges on other peoples land.

This includes making Global signs, Removing protected blocks, spawning blocks.

Faction abuse

I have noticed that many player abuse factions. I now have to make a section for this. This includes shooting from the safe zone, redstone torching, hitting player through doors, boat glitching, opening a door halfway and relogging, and running in and out of safe zone when engaged in PvP combat.


Do not spawn kill excessively, defence kills are permitted.

- When raiding a faction it can be tempting to repeatedly kill someone. We ask that you refrain from doing so after your target has reached a low amount of money or has reached their minimum faction power levels.

Until the player is at the minimum power level you may do this (until attacked). Continuing to do this after I have warned will result in a kick and thus you being kicked for combat log.

Do not build unnecessary circuits containing; Redstone, Repeaters, Pistons and Torches.

- Servers can gain severe lag issues when larger circuits are active. This only really only the case when associated with a pulsing effect. When found, the circuit will be destroyed without warning and punishment to the creator(s).

These DO cause lag. Unless it has a purpose don’t make it.

Griefing the environment is not allowed, an emphasis on Lava griefing is enforced.

- Griefing an unoccupied area will result in serious punishment. There is zero reason why you would need to ruin the landscape for others. In addition, when claiming land of your enemies we ask you to refrain from using lava.

Source block will be noted and log booked.


Talking in caps is not allowed.

- We try to provide our players a calm and friendly environment, raging with the caps lock on is considered the opposite and will therefore result in a mute, kick and eventual ban if a player continues to do so on Aggression.

Four or more times and you will be kicked.

Hacking reports are to be done on the forum, or in private to a Moderator.

- We do not investigate hacking reports done in the global chat. For many reasons including; starting an argument, possible visibility issues and providing other users potentially false information. Please use this forum for reporting people, and if an admin is active you may whisper them in game with the details.

If you do see someone breaking a rule msg me IGN or on the forums, this will allow me to watch without them knowing.

Complaining against a staff member should only take place on the forum via private message.

- In the unlikely case of you having a problem with a Admin, Moderator or Mediator both in game and on the forum we ask you to contact @The Noodle via personal conversation on this forum.


Do not talk back to, or insult a staff member.

- We do not accept any form of insult towards a staff member unless it is clear that the member of staff is playing along. An argument started in game about a discussion based on anything may result in punishment / further punishment. What a Administrator / Moderator says is final, if you have a problem please use the forums.

You will be given an official warning with the words “Official warning” and you are expected to listen to me, if you fail I will use my powers.

Do not ask for promotion, to be an operator or for item bonuses.

- The Administration team are the only group that may edit the rank of players. We do not respond to promotion requests. Operator requests will be ignored, and continuous requests will be punished, same for items.

I am hear to help with bans/cheaters/jailing not here to hold your hand.

English is the only permitted language within Global Chat.

- We only allow English in the Global / public channel(s). Faction channels, messages and party channels are considered private and therefore we tolerate other languages.

No exceptions.

Excessively expressing offence language is refused to be appropriate. This includes Faction Tags.

- We are tolerant of light insults and racism but anything that is constant and considered heavily offensive may result in further punishment. Swearing, racism and typical inappropriate words of all languages are forbidden from faction tags.

This includes using tags and description to bypass mute.

We encourage any questions to be asked freely in chat before consulting a Moderator.

- Questions that are not necessarily required to have an Moderators attention for are the ones we ask for you to ask freely in chat. A lot of people have not used all the plugins before and it is therefore nothing to be ashamed of if you do not know how to do something simple. However there are guides on the forums which if you have the patients for, you should read to avoid asking all together.

I am hear to help you, I will do my best to do this.

Disclaimer: I am human and I am a player; I do make mistakes and I do break the rules from time to time, please tell me if I do as I do represent part

of the Aggression Staff Team and do take that position with pride.


Level 23
Jul 4, 2011


Level 31
Oct 10, 2010
I have enjoyed reading this Sea. Especially about choice of wording when it comes to giving out "official warnings" before use of powers. As you well know I believe very much in this principle as it provides fairity and time to correct behaviour. This comes from how to deal with young children and the ideas carry through to administration work so it's good to see from you Sea. Keep at it.


Level 48
Staff member
Jul 14, 2010
I have enjoyed reading this Sea. Especially about choice of wording when it comes to giving out "official warnings" before use of powers. As you well know I believe very much in this principle as it provides fairity and time to correct behaviour. This comes from how to deal with young children and the ideas carry through to administration work so it's good to see from you Sea. Keep at it.

I wish I noticed this earlier due to I also agree with this. With the exception to those who are blatantly doing something. My past experiences has shown me that when someone is willing fill your screen completely full of force-field warnings or spam. They most likely wont stop when asked, so I just ban them when encountered and let them appeal if they really care to stop hacking.