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New faction commands for permissions


Level 44
Jul 10, 2011
The new faction system has more in depth permissions commands, you can better control what your allies, enemies, faction members and even other leaders do.

Within the faction faction admins and mods have been renamed to leaders and officers.

LEA - Leader [Used to be admin]

OFF - Officer [Used to be moderator]

MEM - Member

With relations to other clans you have a new setting. 'Truce' can be used to set up a temporary 'cease fire' between two factions or it can be used as a way of making sure you don't hit some guys you're not wanting to hit. It can be used however you want it to be.

ALL - Ally

TRU - Truce [New]

NEU - Neutral

ENE - Enemy

Onto the new relation/member permission system. Ever wanted to let allies use your doors? Now you can do this. You can completely control different groups of players and how they can edit your land.

build - Allows or disallows the power to build or break on your lands

painBuild - The same as build but each block placed/broken does half a heart of damage until death

door - Allows or disallows the use of doors

button - Allows or disallows the use of buttons

lever - Allows or disallows the use of levers

container - Allows or disallows the use of dispensers, jukeboxes and brewing stands (Chests have to be covered up to be protected still

kick - Allows or disallows the use of the /f kick command

sethome - Allows or disallows the use of /f sethome

withdraw - Allows or disallows the use of /f withdraw <money>. Factions will now have a bank account and this will control who can access it.

territory - Allows or disallows the use of /f claim

disband - Allows or disallows the use of /f disband

perms - Allows or disallows the power to edit these permissions.

permpower - Allows or disallows the use of permpower (Which I'll explain later)

landpower - Allows or disallows the use of landpower (Which I'll explain later)

With these different permissions and groups you can mix them up. So, you can make it so the officer has every single permission and you can have allies with the ability to use your doors. The command is as follows

/f perms [Your Faction] [The Perm] [+ or -][Group]

Your Faction is obviously your faction name, so I'd write RMM.

The Perm is one of the permissions, like 'door' or 'painbuild'.

The + or - means allow or disallow.

The group is the group of players, like ALL or OFF.

So, for example, I want allies and truced people using doors while disallowing enemies to do the same?

/f perms RMM door +ALL +TRU -ENE

Wanna be a big troll and make your members painbuild?

/f perms RMM painbuild +MEM

/f perms RMM build -MEM

To check your perms or another factions perms type:

/f perms

/f perms <Faction name>

Onto perm power and land power, which are a new implementation. This is an individual permission power, which means you can make it so certain players can build in certain areas (Like the system we had before but much better)

Now each player and each bit of land has a permission power. If your permission power is higher than the land's permission power you can build and break there. If it's lower you cannot build or break there.

To check your permission power:

/f pp

To check someone elses:

/f pp <Name>

To edit a permission level:

/f pp <Name> <Number>

To check the lands permission power:

/f lp

To change the lands permission power:

/f lp <Number>

That's it, as far as I know. If I missed something tell me what I need to change/add.

On a final note, if someone tricks you into giving them permissions and destroys your faction it's completely your own fault.