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    Synergy Youtube + Others

    Synergy youtube:
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    My Youtube!

    Please subsribe, rate and comment!
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    Synergy Server Tour

    This is 2 days after a new map was generated, 3rd or 4th video havnt being youtube hacked.
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    My youtube was hacked!

    iownjui was hacked subscribe to BROSxXxDANIEL now.
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    Revs Skyblock map.

    Here is a video tour of revs skyblock map. by iownjui(me)
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    My youtube!

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    MW3 or BF3

    Let me know what you want more, MW3 or BF3!
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    Anyone getting SWTOR?

    any one getting the new mmo coming out Star wars: the old republic?
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    Starting Top Game Reviews

    Me and my friend are starting a review blog on top new-ish games on, Check us out
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    what kind of music do you guys enjoy listening? Jw.
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    New Computer, any thoughts?

    Hey ppl im thinking of getting a new computer ( an gaming one) and wondering if any of you know any good brands or Computers? plz and ty.