Why Siege is a good Idea.


Level 25
Jul 5, 2011
@ Laithes Yeah!

--- merged: Aug 27, 2011 at 2:47 PM ---

Also...Reason 1: Everyone who owns a PvP server does a siege event once a week or something very similiar.

( I have been looking for other servers, in case I have to leave this one because of the changes that may happen, while looking I have not found a single server like Aggression that doesn't have some sort of siege event weekly.)

Reason 2: I believe Aggression is popular because it isn't just a default PvP server(plus I'm on it), we are high ranked on Minestatus, there are far more PvP servers ranked lower than this one who do siege or similar events.

Reason 3: Myself and Vaderikins will have to quit as although we(mainly me) are happy to PvP, we don't want to be forced into it, as if we want to stay safe from siege events, we have to log out.

We joined the server as this one fits us style best, we want to have a nice little themed house and such.

We are fine to PvP, but will have to leave if it is the case that we PvP or stay offline.

Reason 4: Doing a siege events just seems cheap in general, everyone else is doing so why are we joining in? lets me different, lets bring something others servers have not done yet( I am not saying I know everything(even if I do.) but it is worth a think over, before we just become another default PvP server)

Reason 5: I read some changes that seem good idea, personally I dislike the map being tiny and the siege event ideas, but of course this is up to the admins/host to choose what happens, but I would imagine that having changes like these would upset the server greatly.

* Server map size is fine, bigger the better.

* Siege events will some keep people offline at event times.

* Siege events will either make people just go in to chaos and trying to loot everything they can for their selves, or people will gang up on a faction such as RMM which is unfair on any faction that is ganged up on, it only takes one member from that faction to be online to ruin a whole faction(4 tiny factions against for example, RMM, RMM having 1 member online, clearly the 4 tiny factions would be able to beat this 1 member and then could take over the whole place and after that happened rage would melt the server.

* Instead of siege ideas...how about we think of advertisement ideas, like I saw this http://youtu.be/WkGMuiMMmYg and I jizz in my pants, I mean if our lovely server had a video like that....

* Siege events are not needed in general, it is a PvP server, you PvP already enough, siege is more for a server that isn't pure PvP.

Reason 5: Siege doesn't settle conflicts and doesn't make more PvP, if someone doesn't want a siege battle, then they just stay offline.

If people want siege, go to another server? I mean, there are hundreds to pick from that do the exact thing this server will soon do, I honestly am confused why we are just going to copy other servers and use siege, at least worth thinking about new ideas to make "more pvp" before just doing the same as other pvp servers.

Siege adds more pvp at a certain time of day? a couple days a week? as long as people come online that time?

So we just wait a week while we moan and complain how the server has little pvp then siege time comes and we fight then wait another week moaning and complaining that pvp only happens a few times a week?

I can say "RMM sucks ass and are a bunch of pussies" you can't do anything to me ever, if I stay in my base, siege comes along? I just log out for the time being, come back, "You pussies" I mean, this worked for Willzino and the Viking lot, they were online when in numbers and had their little traps and their little cowardly tactics, but when in trouble they would just be offline.

Reason 6: britishvampire said: I was wondering do your chests have to be accessible by wooden doors? Or is it just to get into the base?

Dannie: The whole complex, hopefully it will promote high traffic on a Saturday especially. What do you think of the system?

So, we get diamond armour....we get a diamond sword and some food, bow, arrows?

This will take a hour max, for the rest of the week we just wait around on a server that will be the same as it is now then on Saturday we siege?......then wait another week doing nothing other than what we are already doing therefore already enjoying the server enough to stay on it, as in don't need siege if we can cope with 6days of normal server play.

Look, if you want to copy other servers, why don't we just go and make a lottery on the server? I mean that alone is good enough to make people understand we like stealing ideas from other servers, I mean sure, there are loads of ideas we could steal from other servers so we can be like all the other servers in the world, I don't get why we are just trying to be cheap by using siege?

Reason 7: "Each user created base will require access by wooden doors to allow this to work. Bases that fail to provide this will result in a admin tunneling a direct route to the locations of the base they wish to go."

So every single faction base will be check completely? admins going all around bases, to check no hidden rooms in a complex? I am hoping I don't need to explain why this is lacks logic.

And finally, if the text here is not helping you understand then I hope these images do.



Level 21
Jul 16, 2011
I believe that siege isnt at all that bad because it will improve raiding, increase more pvp and builds an excitiong atmosphere. However there are some concerns with siege. The times chosen are all during 1-6 am for most of RAWR and most likely for some others. This means that we will not get a chance to participate because we still have school (./rage).

During siege, players are not allowed to quit. I understand that this is to prevent people from logging off to skip siege, but i find this quite stupid. If one really needs to go, they must be allowed to leave. And for anyone who says 'just log off when siege starts' the players should be allowed to try siege out, and stop this arguement.

As a matter of curiosity, when siege is on, are players allowed to hide in a room and dirt it up or do all doors have to be clear?

So basically, what im saying is, how can we make it so everyone can join in siege, and be allowed to leave when they can.


Level 47
Nov 26, 2010
Cool story bro, that's line three.

If you want me to expand upon my argument then fine.

I personally see a problem with the server due to the fact that there are no large, ongoing wars on this server. Now you could argue that this isn't a problem, but seeing as it's a PvP server and most people come here to well PvP, I feel that it would interest more players as it does me, if there were more open conflict. Now I see that the problem arises from factions and it inhibits PvP, and doesn't really allow for base conquest unless the other side screws up and leaves a flaw in their defenses. As I see it, siege will allow the ability to openly confront your personal or clan enemies and deal them blows that really count. This is good because it encourages people to get revenge. And if people are focused on getting revenge, well we have some nice conflict going on.

Now those of us pushing for this could be out of touch with the community entirely, but to my knowledge this is a clan-based PvP server, and it's what most of us came here for. And this idea, to my knowledge and beliefs, promotes clan-based PvP, more so than our current system.

Now of course I didn't entirely like the siege system proposed, so here's my amendments. If you have 5+ members in your faction online, you must participate in siege. If you opt out due to lack of members, you cannot attack other factions at this time. If you have less than 5 members online, the choice is up to you on whether or not to participate in siege.

While you can trap your entrance, it can't be something impossible to get past, i.e. lava pit that appears when you walk through the door, so you can't get to the main base.


Level 25
Jul 5, 2011
My reply to that my dear little Laithikins is the following.

Shut the fuck up.

Also, As I stated before, when Vikings were around, Sandman, Den Den, Jord and co, there was a lot of PvP, don't blame the server for lack of PvP, YOU ONLY HAVE YOURSELF TO BLAME! now go in the corner and think about what you have said and done.


Level 27
Aug 1, 2011
This is becoming a mess. I just wanted a simple server. No siege, nothing confusing like everything we have put here. The Dynamic map is fine, so it lets everyone know where a base is so you can raid it. I am wondering why we are changing the old Aggression into some new screwed up server using siege and other junk. Can't it just be normal?


Level 37
Jul 17, 2011
I think siege once every other week would be sufficent.

Lets give it a go and then if the majority of players are unhappy with it, then it gets removed.

Why not give it a chance? Ideas are getting shot down before the new server is even open...

It wouldn't be set in stone ya know



Level 25
Jul 5, 2011
To put it in a better way, there has been points when certain players have created a lot of PvP, certain players...factions, ya know?

So, saying this server is a clan based faction server bla bla bla, is all well and good, but you can't blame it fo rthe lack of people, that is the people on it that are making lack of PvP.

Jord took ages to ally me, Chedo warmed to me fairly fast, Lloyides has to ally me because to many in his faction that liked me, but! everyone else allied me faster than I could qoute the entire bible and I can do that fast, so you see my point?

Stop allying everyone, be the faction that everyone hates or be the guy everyone hates like all the pro siege people are trying to be.

Everyone was my ally other than t hat one faction that enemied everyone.

Yes you may say, that is only you Valetino, I mean how can I dislike you, you're amazingly super epic, majestic, daring, beautiful, funny, smart, sexy, a big lovable cuddly teddy bear, comforting, trustworthy, sympathetic, loving, helpful, kind, giving, loyal, thoughtful, brave, charming, fun loving, valuable, peaceful, selfless, respectful and of course, honest.

But come on guys, if you want PvP you got to literally fight for it.


Level 47
Nov 26, 2010

Lol, like I tell everyone, if you want to rage at me, do it in private.

Valetino, no one's going to fight for something that's going to lose them resources. Claiming bases gets you resources. Fighting people who camp in their bases and spam arrows breaks your armor, and loses you resources.


Level 27
Aug 1, 2011
Thats the problem Tanja. If we do it "every other week" Players are most likely to forget when it is. Also, like Vale said, If people support siege, they won't care for the PvP during the days without siege.


Level 25
Jul 5, 2011
Like I have told you already, I am joking.

Now this is rage because I am trolling yet, people..I say people, just you Laithes! you are like he be serious and I r all like no, this is a joke! and you are all like rager and I am all like, god damn it, why so serious?

--- merged: Aug 27, 2011 at 3:05 PM ---

"like Vale said" Yeah, I am amazing, deal with it.

I mean, yes I clearly got a advantage being a son of a God but that isn't the point, all you have to do is think about the how bad the idea of having seige on a server that is already doing fine is.

You ever heard of the phrase "if it isn't broken, don't fix it, or add pointless crap ideas"


Level 47
Nov 26, 2010
Lol. May I direct you to the complaint department?

Pretty good service, never seen an unsatisfied customer leave.


Level 37
Jul 17, 2011
Thats the problem Tanja. If we do it "every other week" Players are most likely to forget when it is. Also, like Vale said, If people support siege, they won't care for the PvP during the days without siege.

If players "forget when it is" it doesn't matter. If their faction isn't online during siege then they won't participate in it. This was stated in the original Aggression 1.1 thread.

Plus, I'm more then positive the Admins would send out a broadcast the day of the siege event a few hours prior to it actually happening.... it's not going to be like.


Hahaha everyone would be running around like WTF WTF WTF.


Level 25
Jul 5, 2011
u mad bro

LAithes....Laithes...Laithes, why so serious?

I am stating valid points and you be all like rawr and I am all like derailed mother fucker and you are all like duuuuh what? and I am all like tee-hee-hee


Level 44
Jan 29, 2011

Why don't we try it out before the reset and if it works and people like it keep it (Well if admins agrree that it's not too much work) And if the majority of people don't like it get rid of it and not mention it ever again?


Level 25
Jul 5, 2011
I would agree with that British but the point I forgot to make about this special person's comment is that "Lets give a go and then if the majority of players are unhappy with it, then it gets removed" They are unhappy with it already, so let's now not speak about it ever again as it is already creating aggro and clearly isn't wanted by even 10% of the server.