Why doesn't my chat make sense? Find Out Here!

The Noodle

Level 48
We're trialing a plugin called IRCTransport. As some of you are no doubt aware administrators normally talk from irc and you can talk back to them. Well now when you connect to Aggression you're also connecting to our IRC server. That's right, you can now join any channel and talk with irc users. This also means that if you don't want to come in game but you still want to chat, you can.

There is one downside, at this point in time faction chat is not available. But because IRCTransport allows you to join any channel you can create your own!


/join #channel [key]

/leave #channel

/channel #channel -- changes your active channel

/msg user -- send a private message to a user

/nick new_name  -- change your display name.

/names -- shows users in your channel

/me action to perform -- performs an irc action

/topic -- get or set the channel topic

So if you, for example, had a faction called Herps you could type /join #herps and have your very own channel that your members can join not only from minecraft itself but from the web or their favourite irc client as well. If you have any questions feel free to join #bonhelp and ask.