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Staff Applications Thread - Updated 19/06/13


Level 50
Staff member
Feb 16, 2011
Reaction score
Hey folks. If you're interested in helping out on Aggression PvP, please fill out the following information with detail (this means that single sentence answers are not sufficient)! This is only if you are interested in a Staff or Mediator position. All applications will be considered equally for the positions lobbied for.

Available Positions at current date:
* Mediator: A regular, trusted player that specializes in keeping peace on the server. Mediators are similar to Moderators, who can Mute or Jail players to enforce the server rules.

* Moderator: A staff member capable of Kicking and Banning offending players, but cannot be faction members. Moderators are the face of our community, and are expected to reflect our sense of fair justice and upholding of the rules on our servers.

In-game Name (Your Minecraft Name):
Age :
Desired Role (See above list):
Location/Country :
What past experience do you have in your role :
Why should pick you for the job? :

Updated by Josrence44 19/06/2013 to add content and available positions to the post.