Spout - WorldEdit


Level 30
Jul 19, 2011


This unique plugin makes the Spout client compatible with the server. It allows Admins to do their jobs better, faster, and more efficiently, while we have more options as players.

Options such as: More inventory space, player trades!

Spout makes most of our Spout craft client-users have the optimal experience on Aggression!

Quote from plugin:

"Spoutcraft connects the server and client and makes most of the features possible. Some things, like inventory monitoring, and the server speed improvements, only require the server plugin. And any player can connect to a Spout server, they will just miss out on the features it has to offer. Spoutcraft is optional, but using it unlocks the real features behind the plugin."




World edit is the famous plugin that allows Admins to fix griefing, and build faster! It is a very useful plugin that helps with the server's buildings, and keep our server grief-free!

Quote from plugin:

"Some of the things that WorldEdit can do include:

  • Build far away with WorldEdit's original brush tools
  • Mine instantly with the super pickaxe
  • Use your compass to quickly teleport to areas by left clicking or using /jumpto
  • Replace a giant area with a block of your choice
  • Choose an area and have it instantly restored from backups
  • Level an entire mountain and replace it with natural looking terrain (with brush tools)
  • Smooth an entire mountain quickly
  • Generate spheres, cylinders, cuboids, forests, pumpkin patches, and snowy areas
  • Copy areas, paste them, load them, and save them (compatible with MCedit)
  • Kill mobs, nearby or across the world, and remove entities (arrows, items, etc.)
  • Find out which chunks were in a region, look up your current chunk
  • Count the statistical variation of blocks inside an area
  • Ascend through ceilings, pass through walls
  • Tie in with WorldGuard to protect areas
  • Make everything you do that's repetitive not repetitive"


Level 40
Jul 17, 2011
...and I've only used WorldEdit. I remember when using it with SPC, I had bind set up for area selection and most commonly used //set commands for blocks, I was quite efficient with it.