Server Idea


Level 11
Jul 10, 2011
This post is my idea how to 'upgrate' the PvP on the server. We all know that I've been on the Aggression 'PvP' server for acouple of days and I know how the PvP goes around here. I log in each day, acouple of times even and what I see is me standing on the spawn walls looking around for any PvP or even any players which I can almost never see, and if I see any, they're naked/new.

I'm really pissed about this because I use the /who command and I see atleast 20 players online. Now I ask myself: "What the f*ck are they doing, camping their base 24/7 on a PvP server which we can't even see because it's 4000 blocks away?"... Now I'll be honest here, Vikings are alright, they PvP whenever they're online, but for example the RMM sit afk in their base and come out to PvP like once a day. The main problem is that the RMM have the most diamond equipment and if they sit afk, build or whatever the new guys can't really get any equipment to PvP with so they run around naked with stone swords which is just annoying for me as I easly kill them. Now you could tell me, "But if the RMM would actually go out, they'd just pwn the nooblets." Or something like that. Alright. If they come out with 5 players full diamond geared and gank some random nooblet 5vs1, yeah it sucks. But if RMM members would actually go PvP whenever they want, and not just stick in a group they'd kill people, but also die. And by dying other people would get equipment. Meaning more PvP with actual armour and not naked nooblets.

But I can't really force other people to PvP alone or whatever. The main Idea of this post is to remove/Block the /spawn command. You will have the /f home command. Why? Because that would make other players build their base closer to the spawn. Around 500 blocks away. The diffrence is gigantic. (4000 blocks - 500 blocks.) And that would lead to more raiding. We all know it's frikkin' hard to find a base, and the easiest thing to do is join them and backstab them and claim their land. But that's just lame. So if they'd build their base closer, there would be more raids = More PvP.

About raiding. I can't really say I enjoy it because with the land protection plugins, good players have bases which are impossible to raid without using glitches. So what raiding is, is basically just wait for the player to do something stupid like go outside and get killed or whatever. For example, my castle is just unraidable, there is no random wilderness, there are no tunnels, nor anything. You can enter through the gates which are closed. You just can't get in.

That's all what I have in mind at the moment. Please, post your opinion about this.

EDIT: I'm not trying to insult the RMM, I'm just stating facts.


Level 29
Jul 3, 2011
Interesting idea I see only one problem.

Those that have already built far away may be fucked if this is introduced now. But apart from that I kinda agree.


Level 46
Sep 29, 2010
The war economy does need to be boosted. I try and hand out lots of soup and bread to new players when I can Maybe there should be a /kit when you first spawn with a basic set of stuff which is an advantage but not so much that players feel they don't need to do anything to advance their gear.

Or just give them some money to start off with to reward new players that are smart enough to try the iCononmy system.

--- merged: Jul 10, 2011 at 2:34 AM ---

Interesting idea I see only one problem.

Those that have already built far away may be fucked if this is introduced now. But apart from that I kinda agree.

I would say just allow bought portals to go to spawn but that would make the previous removal of the /spawn command redundant >.<

On other pvp servers that have been worried about spawn camping, they've made the spawn/nopvp area a 100x100 square just so that players are able to walk out of spawn without being followed as easily. Another bonus is, if you're killed on the edge of spawn, you re-spawn 100 blocks away from your followers and can just head off in the opposite direction.


Level 15
Jul 8, 2011
Lol you say your not trying to offend RMM? any way I think you are right. but I am built 2000 blocks away and I dont think this is far at all. I mean we do need more Raiding and Pvp But you do need to gather materials and food in peace sometimes so you can actually pvp. I like the idea

And i think dannie and other admins should think of adding this is maybe like a stone sword and tools not wood like on other servers.


Level 47
Nov 26, 2010

Already talked about removing the /spawn command, and the RMM base is only like 1000 blocks if that from spawn. And do you really want a bunch of half griefed houses near spawn? Denerius, we're (I at least) are trying to stay out of PvP so we can have some fairly big (10-20) People factions sprout up, so we can actually have a fun huge epic world war. Also, if you think we don't do anything, we just tried to raid a TEU base today, and raped an NMR base a few days ago.

P.S. You can't blame us for everything on the server, you could build traps and stuff like we do. And if you really want some epic war, propose one day where the protection system is turned off for like three hours, (even TNT?) that way there's one day of the week of huge rape, and 6 days to repair defenses, gather mats and prepare for next week.


Level 11
Jul 10, 2011
If this goes through, and the /spawn will get removed or blocked. Dannie or Noodle could make a preparation post that it will happen within a week or something like that. Just sayin'.

EDIT: Better to have half griefed bases near spawn than to see nothing at all. Just saying that more raids = More PvP. And btw, I posted first on Aggression freeforums so I didn't read these forums


Level 47
Nov 26, 2010
Well you need an incentive to raid, and not many people have one. I've actually been hoping the smaller factions might ally against the RMM, and try to take us on with like 20 or so people. I think we're thinking of two different kinds of warfare Denerius, I'm talking about slower paced, every man and weapon counts warfare, you seem to be thinking of fast-paced no real major risk warfare. ( Major risk is a base or storage point.)

EDIT: What might help is to create a map size limit, like the whole map being in a 4000x4000 area? So max co-ords would be X:2000, Z:2000 to X:-2000, Z:-2000.


Level 11
Jul 10, 2011
2000 is big, not like you'd come across anyone in the wilderness. I guess 1000-1500 would be enough. And 20 people? Lol, we have max 20-25 people online each day . And with taking you on you mean sit near the gate and get trapped because you guys will shoot arrows from the base and won't come out? You can't really make this a raiding game when you can't even put ladders to get up or destroy the gates... :s


Level 25
Jul 5, 2011
I welcome you to the forum! but don't you

Think that it is a bit odd?

Hardly would work as

I don't think many people want to people

Nagging about this sort of thing going oh, I am

King of the noobs.

Will you think about all expects?

I mean sure you got

Lots of people on here playing around and

Laughing, but surely people will get this spawn thing and it will just turn into a

Zoo like condition

I mean yeah you got good start to a idea but people will start being mean and calling people

N****** for no reason:/ that is my main concern, but I suppose the

Option to do this or not is up to Dannie.

I mean Dannie is great for stuff like that

Such a good guy.

And so on.

For example, it was Dannie that chooses what

Add ons we have on the server like if not to have

Gold add ons, I mean he doesn't want to be called a silly

Goose, so he has to be careful what add ons he has and what sort of themes he has, ya know?

Of course I am sure he will make the right decision.

To my understanding the server is really successful



Level 47
Nov 26, 2010
Denerius, you obviously didn't read all of my earlier post, I'm the one suggesting one day where you can ally up, and grief your way into the RMM base. (Well anyone's base) Also, why are you raging at the RMM so much? You sound like you're trying to make us into tyrannical pussies who never come out and fight on solid ground. I mean ask Jord, willzino, or RampagingGamer, even though they might not like us, they'll agree we don't always sit around like pussies. And lastly, we're not the only ones who camp in our base when we're unprepared, I've seen every faction I've fought against do it. Not personally mad at you, just I don't like the "hidden" flak sprinkled all over the place.


Level 11
Jul 10, 2011
Sorry, I'm not raging. Well maybe you could say I am, I'm mad because when I start minecraft, I want to have fun. Not wait all day for something fun to do. I guess Laithes, what you do when you turn on minecraft is chill in the base, build or surf around the web. I'm not like that. I didn't come on a PvP server to build or to chat with other players. I came to PvP. And this slow-paced gameplay is just killing me.

I visited today a server called FactionAction, when you leave spawn you get full clans fighting not too far away from spawn.(0-800 blocks) There is no waiting in the base for I don't know what, you either raid or get raided. I actually got a full chest of items within 30-45 mins but then one clan with 6 people was mad at me and they TNT'd my ass even when there's faction plugin on. Didn't expect that lol


Level 15
Jul 8, 2011

Laithes your a mother fucking genious!


Level 47
Nov 26, 2010
Well I kinda see that as mindless PvP-ing, just sort of Bonzai rushing the enemy. I mean, we want to promote and reward thinking ahead, but yeah leaving room for that frenzied rush of action.


Level 44
Jan 29, 2011
These are my own thoughts on this

1.Den you should know that not all of the RMM are actually here for pure PvP.

2.why does it matter that we have a load of the diamond stuff when there is sure to be plenty of diamonds left in the ground.

3.Laithes, the protection turned off is a bad idea, if you remember MCN you should remember what happened to out 2nd and 3rd base. Not to mention it might mess up and not come back on properly meaning we would have to reclaim every bitof land possible.

4.Removing the /spawn command is a good idea i think.(it means people can't escape traps)


Level 44
Jul 10, 2011
I've already spoke to you about this, I said waiting at spawn isn't a good way to PvP at all, because lots of the new guys will flock around spawn with stone swords, you're trying to tell us to mindlessly run around fighting at spawn until we die? You're asking us to come to spawn on our own and fight with people until we die so we can give them armour? I'd prefer to let them get established with a faction so they didn't have a broken set of diamond armor that they'll lose later in another spawn spam fight. I completely love the no spawn idea, it adds to it, it will promote more PvP in a good way, though, it needs to be thought about.

People are allowed to build up a base and defend it and do other things, obviously when they're in their base they're not looking for PvP, so you'll have to find a way in or find other people (Nooblets that have been left to grow and that aren't running around hoping for your armour, hopefully). I do understand why you're mad, but, factions is a big PvP step up from towny, you should be happy that you can actually raid. But honestly, you're saying that people should do things that revolve around when you want to PvP, like, you want the RMM to leave their base for you, no, people play how they want to play (Building is also still good fun for people), so instead of telling us how other people play is wrong, try to come up with some more ways to fix it. Honestly, RMM have wiped out plenty of factions and PvPd loads, you've been here for a few days, more suggestions needed, not hate. Cheers.

-No spawn is good, but needs to be thought about more.


Level 30
Staff member
Jul 20, 2011
I know im not special. I just stated that my factio (along with many others) will no benefit

from this at all