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Role Play Server.


Level 25
Jul 5, 2011
I thought I would make this to try and make it easier for

people to understand why a role play server would be a

good idea, plus to give help on what to have on a role play

server if one was made.

Of course millions of other things than what I am listing

should be added and no doubt would be added, but these

are some of the things I can think of that would be good.

Good things about a role play server are that you normally

get more serious players on there, less griefing, less aggro

in general, role players tend to be more mature, more

helpful and kind, plus will want to interact with

the community a lot more than PvPers or pure builders.

People who go to role play servers that are done well do

the advertising for you as they will want their friends

to join in the fun.

There are loads and loads of role players just waiting to

find a server that suits them, hopefully this server would

be it.

The theme I am more thinking of is medieval/fantasy

rather than modern or sci fi.


A building inside cities that were made by admins, these

would be well banks, you would have NPCs in there

that would require you to be in range of them or pointing

at them while do like /bank 20 coins, this would add to the

element of role play as you have to go to a city for this, not

just kill someone or something and get some coins and bank

them every time.


Role play servers needs cities that are made by admins.

They would have all sorts of shops and services in them.

Ranging from black smiths, inns to quests and banks.

These cities would need to be made to be very grand,

detailed and in general better than player made cities.


This is a big thing to add that requires a lot of effort

but you could have factions that are like Kingdom of A

and Kingdom of B where these factions always fight each

other, but still having sub factions that would be guilds.

This would add a reason to be close to your home Kingdom

staying in the city walls or at a outpost, also would add

role play element of like being at war, or again more effort

and be actively changing the story line of the server, such

as Kingdom A being allied with Kingdom B then later

have lore that would explain why Kingdom B back stabs,

or just goes against Kingdom A.

You could have one Kingdom being good and the other

being bad, choosing either one gave you a certain perk

to your character, such as heal yourself more or better

at mining, more money when looting, a special attack.


*Last man standing, Minimum of 2 factions or players

in a arena, aim to kill each other until one player/faction

is left, last player/faction left wins.

*Capture the flag, two factions fighting each other,

with a chest in the middle in of the arena with a

certain item, that each team has to capture and put

in their chest to win.

*Two factions on either side of the arena, each faction has

their own chest at their side of the arena, in the middle

of the arena would have like diamond ore blocks or gold

in the shape of a box or as a floor but inside or under

would be something like dirt/snow/wool/clay and each

faction would fight for these items to take back to their

chests, once all the dirt/snow/wool/clay is gone, the faction

with most of that item wins.

*Ship battle, two ships, two factions, each faction at the

start puts for example, 20 or 30 of their own diamonds in

a chest below the deck of their faction ship, each faction's

goal would be to get the diamonds of the other faction as

well as killing the faction to win the game, idea being you

risk your items but can double what you had if you win.

*Arena, 4 players that volunteer to fight in the arena

as a team against, mobs and admins.

the 4 players would get to choose armour and weapons

but a predesign set such as stone sword with iron helmet

only or one piece of fire and a wooden sword.


Inns and Taverns being a place to get a cheap mildly useful food

and rest, rest being restoring your health to full for a price.

You would have these in towns and cities and could have them

at outposts, as well as in the wilderness, random taverns to stay

in for safety.


*Guilds bases, places in admin made towns that you could

have meetings, secure chests.

*Guild raids, faction/guilds would go somewhere made

by admins that would be a raid/instance thing but for

a guild so like more mobs, harder puzzles and such.


*NPC controlled,

* Player shops that use NPCs.


*Healing, using spells would be a command and require

certain preset amount of mana.

Mana level would be something gotten from quests or

leveling up.


*Chain quests

*Quests ideas..

-Kill a set amount of a type of mob.

-Kill 5 players from the opposite faction.

-Collect a set amount of a certain item.

-Win a certain arena battle.

-Go to [place] talk to [name].

-Find a certain [NPC] that is somewhere in the wilderness.

*Rewards could be...







Level 21
Jul 11, 2011
Well that is basically all of what Fusion is about. The players choose the direction of their own role-play. If you wanted all of this could be implemented by the player on Fusion, but of course it is the player that needs to do this. If you design all of your ideas and put them into guides I will try my best to implement them. (When I can.)

Of course somethings cannot be implemented because we cannot control what other players want to do on Fusion. You must make sure that they do not restrict players from just going totally berserk and killing your NPC. Or stealing your stuff. Town Mayors have the ability to find who stole from them and punish them accordingly but never can they force the player to give the items back.


Level 37
Staff member
May 23, 2010
Trouble is Fusion failed to work...

Vale sounds like fun. Development part is the funnest.

If you presuade someone to host. I'm happy to help.

>.> Knowing there's not going to be giant UK flags above towns. [Echo/BoNRP Injoke]


Level 21
Jul 11, 2011
Where do you see Fusion failing to work? A lack of being able to connect to the server does not make it failed. Currently I am rebuilding our folder to have it upgraded and ready to go for 1.8. (I got connection again, but only recently. The day Verizon went off strike ironically.)


Level 47
Nov 26, 2010
Roze, it's only a fail if Tutrie doesn't learn from his mistakes. One prominent mistake that I can see is having the clan before you have a server that you can go on. It also helps if you give a directed server to go on, so people can fulfill goals and find things to do with their time like we can direct people to Aggression if they need something to do. But of course you can't be a slave driver, people need time to relax.

On topic, I'd propose more than two major kingdoms, because a third adds paranoia. How does the leader or king of one nation know if the other two have formed an alliance against him or not? It adds spying, gives diplomacy an actual use, and keeps people on their toes.It also adds to more defined border wars and makes leaders be cautious in war, if it's a 1v1, I can throw all I've got at the other side with no real risks. But if there's a third or multiple parties that might come in through the back door, leaders have to manage their troops and time wisely.Of course, the easiest way to have multiple powers is to have player-created and run governments.

Governments should require a basic outline of how it will function, and that's it. No one should force a type of government on another, unless conquered. I mean, if people want to go with a monarchy, go ahead. But if people want a Parliament, Republic or any other form of government, they should also be allowed to form one if they please. Note: Must have some order of succession.

Town requirements

5 members

A town hall, and some sort of farm(food).

1000 coin starting fee.

City requirements

10 members

Town hall, city wall, at least two types of farm(food), and 5 houses.

5000 coin upgrade fee.

City-State requirements

20 members

Town hall, city wall, at least 3 types of farm (food), lumber mill/tree farm, public roads, 15 houses, and some form of monument.

20,000 coin upgrade fee.

Just my thoughts on the RP.