Minecraft.net localization update

We want Minecraft to be enjoyed by as many players as possible. A big hurdle for a lot of people wanting to play the PC/Mac version has been that the website where you buy the game so far only has been available in English, despite the game itself having been available in multiple languages for several years thanks to our awesome community translators. However, after a recent update, minecraft.net is now for the first time ever available in multiple languages!

Initially we’ve focused on the most crucial bits of the website, where you register for and buy Minecraft. These are now available in 14 different languages with some additional regional variations. In addition to this we’ve also added prices in 12 new currencies (previously only USD, EUR, and GBP were supported) and enabled more local payment options.

This is only the first step though. The Mojang Web Force is working on a completely revamped version of minecraft.net that will be fully localized. More on that in a future update!

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