Lorddeath2 and Killerash121 Muted and Jailed

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Level 2
Aug 1, 2011
Okay so this is how it went Killerash121 got Jailed for Shooting from battlefield to Spawn, but SeaRex said that "Arrows Hurt" and jailed killerash but then he also said that "he Shot from spawn" which he obviously didn't cause i Watched him shoot the arrow, and i know that its against the Rules and he got Jailed but As i argues with SeaRex telling him that its wrong to jail someone when it Doesn't hurt anyone as SeaRex said it Does but it Doesn't, He Put Me in Jail and said i was Lieing and Gave me an Official Warning but I told him it was Wrong to Do so since he Jailed me for Arguing Back when i Know i was Right and Never Lied and Yet he still says It hurts ppl when it Doesn't. So Dakry had to Come on and tell us why killerash got jailed and muted then he told me that I was Jailed for arguing back at a Mediator (Searex) and telling me that i did this with Tanj at her Being wrong too. But as a Formal Admin of TheHomicidalTedency's Server I know what is Fair and Not and yet Darky and SeaRex doesn't Get the Concept of Being Fair to Other member. As also i just went on at 7:06 Pm September 8th 2011, and krundes and Tanj shot an arrow at krundes from Battlefield and Krundes didnt fell any damage so This is Prove that SeaRex was Obviously Avoiding Questions From J3ll0. Also Tanj even said shes gonna talk about this On the Forums. So you have no Right to Jail us Or Mute us as Prove talk to Tanj and Krundes they will agree.


Level 2
Sep 9, 2011
ok so all that was true and i got 1 day in jail time for shootin from battlefield to spawn when it dosent hurt so that means it is really dosent effect anything like cheating cause thats not abusing the safe zone and there is no rule to this


Level 47
Jan 29, 2011
1. I suggest you write your appeal in Word first, so that you can be told how terrible it is to read. My eyes hurt (really).

2. Dakry has never been anything but fair, honest, and helpful in my time knowing him.

3. Arguing with a staff member is extremely unadvisable. If you have a problem, create an appeal thread (creating one after already arguing back and making matters worse doesn't count).

4. The enter key is your friend. Wall of text is not nice.

Relevant rules:

Complaining against a staff member should only take place on the forum via private message.

- In the unlikely case of you having a problem with a Admin, Moderator or Mediator both in game and on the forum we ask you to contact one of the following names below on the forum; Dannie , Echo419 , The Noodle .

Do not talk back to, or insult a staff member.

- We do not accept any form of insult towards a staff member unless it is clear that the member of staff is playing along. An argument started in game about a discussion based on anything may result in punishment / further punishment. What a Administrator / Moderator says is final, if you have a problem please use the forums.

tl;dr The original jail time would have been minimal at best, had you not started talking back, arguing, and generally making the situation worse for yourself.


Level 2
Aug 1, 2011
Tom we Know we're Right and Dakry said to Post on the Forums. And I did write it in Appeal your just not used to reading it. Appeal thread? this is one. Ive argued Back cause i Know im Right against Searex. And Arguing with a Staff member who supposedly Jailed me and Muted me just cause im talking about Shooting arrow from Battlefield to spawn isnt right.


Level 47
Jan 29, 2011
Being rude is not the best way to get a mute/jail revoked. I hope you realise that?

It was terrible to read due to your horrible grammar and lack of white-space.

If you continue failing to provide actual evidence and/or corroboration from staff members present, and continue to insult our staff (Searex, myself), this will be closed permanently.


Arguing with Staff members is not advisable, as I have said before, if you have an issue with a specific staff member, PM Noodle or Dakry.


Nice edit there, but for reference:

Killerash121 said:
maybe u need glass or something if u can't read my post

This is not a direct quote, but very similar to what was posted.


Level 2
Sep 9, 2011
The original jail time would have been minimal at best, had you not started talking back, arguing, and generally making the situation worse for yourself.[/quote]

It wasnt going to be minimal cause it was going to be one day and ive seen SeaRex give people 2 hour for doing the same thing as me.And i got no Screenshot of it so i cant prove it so u wont belive me


Level 2
Aug 1, 2011
Im just following what Dakry had said, to agrue about this ON the forums and being Rude just for Grammar and Lack of white-space isnt really that big of a deal if you cant srsly Read a Paragraph! And evidence is on the Chat log search it yourself since im Not an Admin or Staff member. As Dakry said "If he shows me this he will ban me for trying to escape"

--- merged: Sep 9, 2011 at 4:00 AM ---

if you cant read Slang-Posts then it would be hard for you to understand others who do.


Level 47
Jan 29, 2011
You realise how many logs there are? This is why I have asked for TIMESTAMPS.

Grammar and white-space is important in getting your point across clearly and precisely, hence my mentioning it.

Dakry said to post a ban appeal, however from what I've seen the following happened:

1. Killerash121 got jailed for shooting an arrow

2. lorddeath2 argued with a staff member about the jailing

3. lorddeath2 got jailed as well

4. lorddeath2 posted a ban appeal.

The appeal should have been posted after 1., not after you had already argued. Perhaps if you had not argued back, and simply posted an appeal, you'd be out of the jail already.

tl;dr This appeal is denied, due to the fact that you have willingly and knowingly violated rules (Not arguing with a staff member).

Serve out your jail time, ban appeal forum isn't here to let you off when you don't obey the rules.


Level 2
Sep 9, 2011
It wasnt going to be minimal cause it was going to be one day and ive seen SeaRex give people 2 hour for doing the same thing as me.And i got no Screenshot of it so i cant prove it so u wont belive me.


Level 2
Aug 1, 2011
We cant DO that Since we're Not ADMINS! WE DONT FREAKING RECORD Everything. And We were Arguing UNTIL dakry said "Take this to the Forums"!.


Level 2
Sep 9, 2011
We cant DO that Since we're Not ADMINS! WE DONT FREAKING RECORD Everything. And We were Arguing UNTIL dakry said "Take this to the Forums"!.

he said that but then hes not speaking to us on it so there is no piont in arguing with tom cause tom dosent understand.


Level 31
Oct 10, 2010
Note this post is in another thread as well, just copied over for your reference Tom.

Well tonight has been an interesting night and though i'm ill and not really wanting to deal with this at the moment, here I am.

Tonight I have been questioned as to my judgement and its fairness thus my morals. I have been told my job and how I should do it and how I apparently don't do it. I have been told what I should understand and what I shouldn't understand. So let us go through these.

Firstly I have been questioned as to my judgement. SeaRex is a mediator whom since I joined the server I have engaged well with and have noticed quite a level of professionalism from. I have requested he deal with situations in a certain manner and he has taken this onboard and acted upon this. My judgement is that when given a choice with no evidence I will ask Sea first because my judgement has led me to know what he is like. I was instantly asked to release Lord and Killer upon signing into the server on the basis that they have been wrongly jailed and muted. Note they had to avoid mute in order to do this. We have a forums to appeal things, do it here, not bitch and avoid mute. Now I enquired as to why they were banned and am informed that Killer shot from warzone into the spawn area which to my knowledge is an illegal move within the server. Killer was fine and stated he understood why he was jailed. Lord instantly started preaching to me regarding how it does no damage and that this is an unfair rule and that I am not a fair person and. I responded to this informing him to make a post on the forums with both evidence and a laid out argument for why either SeaRex or myself should not be in our positions.

So I have been told my job and how I should do it and how I apparently don't do it. Lord carries on to inform me that he was an admin and he knows right from wrong as he states in his own posts. That clearly because I have spoken with Sea and have been informed why it is they are banned but have nothing to contradict it from Lord, that I am therefore unfair and shouldn't be an admin. I have been told that I should, but don't, care for players. I agree that I do, but it is not the players happiness i'm majorly concerned with, that's just a side note for me. The smooth running of the server, that its rules are met and that everyone is getting along well is what my job is. Lord believes that because he has been an admin he knows exactly how admins work but I say this. Lord you may have been an admin but whether you're a good one is another question and thus is irrelevent to me.

I back up everything I say and take the time to make sure that all posts and messages I make are fair and detailed so that players know where they stand with me yet still I am questioned by Lord and J3llo. Only last week everyone was moaning and bitching about Tanja and her being a mediator, now it's Sea's turn. I have seen this before and am seeing it again and happily turn a blind eye until i'm shown some actual evidence.

Tanja, Sea and Velo can all say that I have spoken with them regarding how they deal with people and have happily asked them to change some of their ways. I know my job well, else Noodle and Echo would not allow me back to do it.

Lastly I have been told what I should understand and what I shouldn't understand. During this argument I constantly here from Lord that I should understand, being an admin, where he's coming from. That I should understand why he is right and that, I should understand why I should reverse a mediators decision. I hope you realise how much of an idiot you sound everytime you repeat "you should understand" to me when you blindly type without any regard to how I feel being consistently questioned on my decisions. You clearly do not understand how I feel having to do this job, having to ban players, having to accept my wrongings and having to sort out arguments. You clearly do not understand why I do this and how I do this yet you have the gall to come on and tell me to understand your views.

This is not the first argument I have had with you. One of the first times I jailed someone, the first person to kick up a fuss was you. You instantly argued and told me I was wrong and after a good ten minutes, with Echo getting involved as well, you finally backed down and moved onto something else. You also tonight argued the case that Killer was banned unfairly but also mistakenly said he was from your faction. I get the feeling that you are biased Lord and that arguing with Sea wasn't due to fairness but to get your team-mate out of trouble.

I have twice taken alot from you. J3llo I don't appreciate your input in this too much as you similarly seem not to see where admins are coming from. Regardless of whether or not something does damage or no, if it has been deemed as against the rules, it is against the rules. You may not like it, but that's why we have the forums. To work out issues like these.

What I suggest from here is that Killer's jail time is revised and that Lords position in the server is seriously looked upon by the admin team and discussed as to whether he should be allowed to remain in the server considering the grief that he consistently gives members.

I have no factions or items I need to cover. As part of the admin team I forsake my right to play on servers like this. Not for pay or for some valuable reason, but because I got along well with Noodle and want to help him create one of the best servers that players can play on. Therefore I judge objectively and without bias working solely on evidence and experience. I would want to simply ban you Lord but i'm leaving this up for discussion and would request Echo's and Noodle's involvement in this process.

Killer I have little trouble with you other than I ask you not to fire arrows into spawn in the future.


Level 47
Jan 29, 2011
Well then now you know the rules. When you join a server, you should read and understand the rules. The rules are, you don't argue with staff. As far as I can see it, you have a problem respecting the staff of this community.

As I have said before, this ban appeal is denied.

Please keep in mind I am denying lorddeath2's appeal, I have yet to see any appeal from Killerash121, and have no problem with him.

I do understand, but I have also been a player, and my first reaction upon seeing something unjust is either to take a screenshot, or remember what time it happened. If you were able to tell us what time all this happened, we could provide a log. However, as Dakry was involved, I will trust his decision.



Level 31
Oct 10, 2010
Might I also note that you argued for a long time after I posted to take this to the forums and in response to not showing you the logs. You omitted "No because you're not an admin and if I did I would have to ban you because you would see that you are cheating to try and get out of jail". It was inadvisable to raise that one with me.


Level 15
Aug 21, 2011
Just finished reading all the threads relative to this topic. From what i've gathered i have a few things to say.

1. Dakry is a good admin I trust him a lot so try not to bring him up in this too much since you are blaming SeaRex.

2. If SeaRex did jail you for a wrong reason then I suggest you guys post something on the forums imidiatly.

3. SeaRex if they are right about you jailing someone for a wrong reason then I believe you should apologize.

4. Next time SeaRex I believe you should be absolutely sure that what your jailing someone for is breaking a rule in some form or way. If you don't know for sure ask another med. or mod or admin.

5. As for lorddeath2 and killerash121 you two may have been jailed for the wrong reasons but please do not create such an uproar next time.

6. TOM you do NOT need a screenshot or whatever else you said to prove something.

7. Lastly TANJ you made me lol so loud i woke my brother up when you said the free arrow thing!!! LOL thanks for making my day!


Level 2
Aug 1, 2011
as you said "considering the grief that he consistently gives members." ive hardly griefed on this server, ive only killed Other players. and as I recall this is a PVP/Grief-Server.

And when i say "you should understand" is where i want to make it so Admins Know what ive been saying to them.

"I was instantly asked to release Lord and Killer upon signing into the server on the basis that they have been wrongly jailed and muted." if you told us ahead of time we wouldve stopped in our tracks and Apologized for doing so.

"i'm ill and not really wanting to deal with this at the moment, here I am." Not to be rude but if you we're sick why Not have Echo or Noodle deal with this? wouldnt it make more sense.

"You instantly argued and told me I was wrong and after a good ten minutes, with Echo getting involved as well, you finally backed down" I was only implementing On what you if it was Right or Wrong. "you are biased Lord and that arguing with Sea wasn't due to fairness but to get your team-mate out of trouble" Hes My team-mate so i take care of him Like a Brother, hes been with me for awhile and do to the fact that you think im Biased means that i just want it to be a Fair server unlike where you instantly agree with a Mediator just because you or anyone thinks hes write cause hes a Staff member. Life doesnt work that way were you instantly Agree on anyone when you think their right.


Level 47
Jan 29, 2011

I beg to differ. You require either a screenshot, a staff members corroboration, corroboration of a trusted member of the server, a timestamp, or some other kind of log. Just coming here and saying "I did this and got banned wrongly unban me" will not get you unbanned.


"He's my teammate and I take care of him" - You are trying to get him unbanned due to bias

But then in the next sentence you say "Life doesn't work that way where you instantly agree on anyone when you think they're right", which makes you a hypocrite.

This appeal has been denied, I am locking this unless Echo/Noodle/Dakry wishes to revoke the ban.


Level 48
Staff member
Jul 14, 2010
I checked my log file for the server, and I don't appreciate the attitude followed by saying Sea was abusive. I have no sympathy for Lord and Killer and after checking the logs J3llo should be added to this list of bans for taking part in this.

And I will say this for the entire Staff team for Agression and the entirety of BoN. Do NOT bash/be abusive to staff members if you wish to remain a guest on the BoN Network!

Trimmed down quite a bit, but here is a bit of what happened from my logs:

Sep 08 21:26:55 <MCBot> (Lorddeath2) How did ui

Sep 08 21:26:56 <MCBot> (J3ll0) what the hell is he lying about?

Sep 08 21:26:57 <MCBot> (Lorddeath2) DId i

Sep 08 21:27:00 <MCBot> (Lorddeath2) tell me

Sep 08 21:27:05 <MCBot> (Lorddeath2) Prove me Wrong

Sep 08 21:27:10 <MCBot> (SeaRex) This is and offical warning, Stop now or you will be muted.

Sep 08 21:27:28 <MCBot> (J3ll0) or agreeeing

Sep 08 21:27:33 <MCBot> (J3ll0) im taking no side yet

Sep 08 21:27:34 <MCBot> (SeaRex) "They don't hurt"

Sep 08 21:27:35 <MCBot> (Lorddeath2) How did i Lie

Sep 08 21:27:41 <MCBot> (Lorddeath2) How

Sep 08 21:27:42 <MCBot> (Lorddeath2) tell me

Sep 08 21:27:43 <MCBot> (J3ll0) but what the lie?

Sep 08 21:27:45 <MCBot> (ohheyimryan) No they dont?

Sep 08 21:27:46 <MCBot> (SeaRex) Then you were going to attempt it.

Sep 08 21:28:17 <MCBot> (Lorddeath2) Un jail me

Sep 08 21:28:19 <MCBot> (J3ll0) and an arrow

Sep 08 21:28:20 <MCBot> (SeaRex) If you can't read that is my problem.

Sep 08 21:28:24 <MCBot> (J3ll0) and shoot me from out of spawn

Sep 08 21:28:27 <MCBot> (SeaRex) No

Sep 08 21:28:29 <MCBot> (Lorddeath2) Shoot me From Battlefield

Sep 08 21:28:31 <MCBot> (J3ll0) lets see if it registers

Sep 08 21:28:33 <MCBot> (Lorddeath2) Shoot me

Sep 08 21:28:35 <MCBot> (SeaRex) I won't be framed.

Sep 08 21:28:37 <MCBot> (Lorddeath2) from battlefield

Sep 08 21:28:51 <MCBot> (ohheyimryan) Wut

Sep 08 21:28:55 <MCBot> (J3ll0) then anyone else willing to test it on me?

Sep 08 21:28:56 <MCBot> (Lorddeath2) Shoot me From Battlefield

Sep 08 21:28:57 <MCBot> (OREO12) we can team up on ppl

Sep 08 21:28:58 <MCBot> (SeaRex) You do it and you'll get jailed too.

Sep 08 21:28:59 <MCBot> (Lorddeath2) and then

Sep 08 21:29:00 <MCBot> (Lorddeath2) lets see

Sep 08 21:29:05 <MCBot> (Lorddeath2) SHUT UP EVERONE

Sep 08 21:29:13 <MCBot> (Lorddeath2) Prove me Wrong

Sep 08 21:29:21 <MCBot> * Lorddeath2 Then do it

Sep 08 21:29:22 <MCBot> (SeaRex) Muted.

Sep 08 21:29:25 <MCBot> (SeaRex) No ./me

Sep 08 21:29:29 <MCBot> * Lorddeath2 FUck you


Level 31
Oct 10, 2010
This is my first incident with J3 therefore I will leave this up to the decision of Noodle and/or Echo. Otherwise I have banned Lord from the server. I don't believe that admins should take this much grief or should be caused to go to this much trouble because of an unhappy player who can't/refuses to see two sides. End of discussion, thank you M1 and Tom for your input here as well as Tanja.
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