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Level 29
Jul 3, 2011
Factions -

Description and Rundown -

+ Factions provides anti-grief protection to factions to provide a place to hide, shelter and defend for our users. The plugin allows a factions to claim land of a certain area, this area will then be protected from opposing factions until another captures it or the faction that owns the land uses the unclaim command. It is important to note that fighting on your own land provides the bonus of 30% reduced damage from enemy players.

+ Each player has a maximum of 10 power. When players group together to form a faction a higher maximum power is obtained and they are therefore stronger and can claim a larger amount of land. 1 power is 1 land, unfortunately other factions may claim your land if your land exceeds your power.

+ Dying reduces your power by 4 and your minimum power level can be as low as -10. At this level you are severely threatening your own faction as this reduces the land you can hold by 10 instead of increasing it. Don't worry though, power is regained over time at the rate of 0.4 per minute.

+ Faction homes may be set using a command listing below. It is important to think carefully before placing this home location. Spawn camping IS NOT a rule on our server and we ignore those that think it should be. If you are smart you will place your spawn at a hard to reach location in your faction HQ and if possible away from your chests and armoury.

+ Within factions there are currently two ranks which define a sort of authority within. These are Admin (or owner) of a faction which is labeled in game in front of a faction tag as '+' and Moderator (or assistant) labeled in game as '-'. These ranks have the ability to go to war with another faction, ally or resume neutral status as well as being able to invite and remove members.

Things to Know -

= When you join the server you start with 10 power.

= When you die, either by player, falling or monsters, you lose 4 power.

= You gain 0.4 power every minute you are ONLINE, not when you are offline.

= Each land is a chunk decided by the map before you claim it, the size is 16x16 blocks.

= Stealing isn't against the rules, neither is deception (trust who you invite).

= Both factions must agree to be allies.

= One faction must decide to be enemies.

= When your Land exceeds your power enemies may claim it.

= If a faction member is offline for 7 days he / she will be automatically removed, reducing your maximum power.

= Spawn killing is NOT against the rules, protect your faction home location.

= You cannot hurt your allies.

= Damage is reduced by 30% when fighting on your own land.

= Chest protection is not on. Hide and protect them well.

= A closed faction (default) is when an invite is required

= A open faction (not recommended) is anyone may join with the join command

= Faction tags may only be 10 characters long.

Commands -

/f help [page number] - Displays a brief in game guide and commands

/f list [page number] - Displays a list of factions on the server.

/f show [faction tag] - Displays information on a faction of your choice.

/f map [on/off] - Toggles a map as you walk from chunk to chunk, showing who owns what from a distance.

/f map - Shows the map as above but only once (doesn't automatically update)

/f join [faction name] - To join a open faction immediately, or a closed faction when invited.

/f leave - Leaves your faction.

/f chat - Toggles a faction chat.

/f home - Teleports to the home location set by your faction Admin.

/f sethome - Faction Admin command to set the home.

/f create [name] - Creates a faction with the designated name.

/f desc - Sets a description for your faction, shown when enemy steps onto your land.

/f tag - Allows the Admin to rename the faction accordingly.

/f [open/close] - Change the invite status of your faction.

/f invite - Invite a player to a closed faction.

/f deinvite - Close an invitation that has been sent to a player.

/f claim - Claim land for your faction, requires Admin or Moderator rank.

/f autoclaim [on/off] - Walk while you claim land for your faction.

/f unclaim - Unclaim land you no longer require, Admin or Moderator ranks only.

/f unclaim all - Unclaim all your current land.

/f kick [name] - Kick a player out of your faction.

/f mod [name] - Promote someone to the Moderator rank for trustworthy people.

/f admin [name] - Promote someone else to an Admin of the faction.

/f title [name] [title] - Title shown inside the faction chat and player list.

/f ally [faction] - Requires both factions to work, become friends.

/f neutral [faction] - Go to neutral status with a faction, not available if they choose to war with you.

/f enemy [faction] - Go to war with another faction.

Example -

Player One creates a faction called Faction One and invites his friend Player Two. They do well and maintain their 15 land they have claimed.

= Land: 15..........Power: 20..........Max Power: 20

Unfortunately Player Two doesn't log on for a whole week and therefore is removed completely from the faction. Faction One is down on Power and Max Power from this point.

= Land: 15..........Power: 10..........Max Power: 10

There is another faction in the mix, Faction Two. They realise quickly what has happened and use this to their advantage. They decide to claim 5 plots of land that Faction One own.

= Land: 10..........Power: 10..........Max Power: 10

Once again Player One can be assured his land is safe for the time being. Player One is caught in a crossfire between two other factions and dies. This reduces his power by 4 to 6 suggesting to other factions that 4 more of his land may be claimed.

= Land: 10..........Power: 6............Max Power: 10

After the fight one member of Faction Two realises what has happened and instructs his Admin to claim more of Faction One's land.

= Land: 6............Power: 6........... Max Power: 10

An hour passes and Player One is back up to his Maximum power, this suggests that Player One can go and claim 4 more pieces of land.

= Land: 6...........Power: 10 ..........Max Power: 10
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