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Aussie Deals: Where to Grab Gotham Knights, Cheap OG Batman Games and More!

Thanks to the recent reveal, I can't wait until it's Bat-time for Gotham Knights. Also, I recently tasked my firstborn with replaying Rocksteady's games—from Arkham Asylum to Knight—and can confirm they've all aged like fine wines. If you missed them the first time around or you fancy a cheap replay, I've provided some avenues below.

[H1]Notable Sales for Nintendo Switch[/H1]

[H1]Purchase Cheaply for PC[/H1]

[H1]Exciting Offers for XO/XS[/H1]

[H1]Product Savings for PS4/PS5[/H1]

Adam’s our Aussie deals wrangler. You can watch him game on YouTube.

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