
  1. surf_fastspiral_retro

    Admin submitted a new resource: surf_fastspiral_retro - surf_fastspiral_retro Read more about this resource...
  2. An introduction to Chiptune: How musicians turn retro game consoles into instruments

    Ah, the humble Gameboy. As well as revolutionising portable gaming, Nintendo’s wonder device provided us with such classics as Pokemon Yellow and Tetris and is so sturdy it’s known to have survived a Gulf War barracks bombings. Gameboy Beginnings The original Gameboy persists in the minds of...
  3. Ion Fury – Everything you need to know (and love) about this fabulously retro FPS

    Back in the deeply dark days of 1996, there was Duke Nukem 3D, a vintage first-person shooter in which the only thing bigger than Mr. Nukem’s sprawling arsenal of bang-bang, was the cuss-spewing mouth affixed to his square-jawed mug. Now, in 2019, we have Ion Fury. Continuing on that grand...
  4. Top 10 Retro 80’s Inspired Games

    Stranger Things has unleashed its third season on Netflix, weaving together a cornucopia of 1980s influences, it’s a slice of nostalgia served in episodic form. But it’s not just television that looks to the 1980s for inspiration. Games also look back to that decade, hitting you up with 80s...