
  1. Admin

    Minecraft snapshot 14w19a

    This weeks snapshot is fairly small in the scheme of things as we’ve been focusing on optimizations and furthering spectator mode.Notable changes:World border received a bunch of new options & improvements. Spectator mode has a preliminary interface for teleporting to other players. It’s...
  2. Admin

    Minecraft snapshot 14w18a

    This is a very short week for most of us in Sweden, so you’ll get a snapshot early! Hurrah!Notable changes:Pistons now interact with Slime Blocks in cooler ways! (Thanks to ZipKrowd for their contribution!) Bug fixes! Many bug fixes! The game has achieved sentience.A small sample of bug...
  3. Admin

    Minecraft snapshot 14w17a

    It’s been a while since the last snapshot, hope you didn’t miss us too much. We’ve been working a whole bunch on lots of internal rewriting (for plugin API, to make things easier for ourselves and to make things run so much more smoothly) but a lot of that isn’t in this version as it’s fairly...
  4. Admin

    Heartbleed, and why you should change your password

    Two days ago a serious vulnerability (that’s been named “Heartbleed”) in the popular cryptographic software OpenSSL was made public. This weakness could potentially be exploited to steal information, such as login information, that normally would be protected by encryption. This software is used...
  5. Admin

    Minecraft snapshot 14w11a

    We are going to GDC this weekend, so there will be a pause in snapshots for a short while. But before we get on the plane, we wanted you to have the latest changes to play with.Please report any and all bugs you find in Minecraft to If nobody reports a bug, we can’t fix it...
  6. Admin

    Minecraft snapshot 14w10a

    Once again the majority of our time between this and the last snapshot has been spent on Plugin API related tasks (most notably inventory rewrite, block model format and block state concepting), and as such this is mostly a bugfix & mapmaker snapshot. Don’t worry, we have some cool survival...
  7. Admin

    Minecraft snapshot 14w08a

    We’ve been working on major rewrites (inventories/menus/block models) for the upcoming API still, but here’s a bugfixy snapshot in the mean time!Please report any and all bugs you find in Minecraft to If nobody reports a bug, we can’t fix it!Bugs fixed in this snapshot...
  8. Admin

    Minecraft snapshot 14w07a

    We’ve still been working hard on rewriting internal stuff (such as how blocks are rendered, or how the entire inventory system works) in preparation for the Plugin API. Meanwhile, have another smaller snapshot with a bunch of bug fixes and some more adventure map related stuffs!Notable changes...
  9. Admin

    Minecraft snapshot 14w06a

    We’ve been rewriting a lot of internal stuff this week, so this snapshot may not be super fantastic featureful but trust me it’ll be worth it in the end.Notable changes for survival:A lot of mob AI has changed. This should mean nothing, but may actually mean something. Don’t sit on slimes...
  10. Admin

    Minecraft snapshot 14w05a

    One day this piece of text will contain some really important information that could change the fate of Humanity, and nobody would know because nobody reads this text anyway. Oh, sorry, what was that? Snapshot? Oh right yes of course! Here we go:Notable additions for survival:Book copying...
  11. Admin

    Minecraft snapshot 14w04a

    Snapshot. Snapshot snapshot snapshot. Snapshot’s snapshot. Snapshot snapshot snapshot snapshot. Snapshot? Snapshot!!Notable additions for survival:Item frames can give off a signal detected by Comparators. Lots of changes to villager AI. Some of them now actually do stuff! Looting now gives...
  12. Admin

    Bought Scrolls? Don’t forget to gift your free code!

    Hey guys,You might remember this post from the end of last year. Basically, everyone who bought Scrolls before December 19th received a free Scrolls code to give to a buddy. Though lots of you have given your code away, there are still a few that haven’t been redeemed.I mention this because...
  13. Admin

    Minecraft 1.7.3 Pre-release

    It’s here! The pre-release is finally here! We’ll be expecting to push this live next week if we encounter no major issues. The most notable changes in 1.7.3 compared to 1.7.2 are as follows:Added integrated Twitch broadcasting! See below for details. Fixed render distances above 8 (may not...
  14. Admin

    Minecraft Snapshot 13w47c – broadcasting!

    At Minecon we announced our new partnership with Twitch to bring one-click broadcasting to Minecraft. After a little wait, we’re now ready to make this publicly testable! This is the very first snapshot to include this functionality and it may be a little buggy, and we’re not finished with all...
  15. Admin

    Minecraft 1.7: The Update that Changed the World

    It feels like we’ve been working on this for a year now, with more than half a million lines of code changed over 1,104 commits we’ve been working extremely hard on this update. We’re calling this one “The update that changed the world”, because it really has in two different ways; there’s over...
  16. Admin

    Cobalt is coming to Xbox 360 and Xbox One!

    Hello!We’re extremely proud to announce that Cobalt – the first third-party game published by Mojang – has just been confirmed for Xbox 360 and Xbox One. You might have heard the news at Microsoft’s event at Gamescom in Cologne this morning. The game is being ported to console by FatShark AB...
  17. Admin

    MINECON tickets are here!

    MINECON tickets are here!In an effort to be fair to people who have jobs or school and those with different schedules we’re releasing tickets in 3 batches to cover different days and times. Each batch is for 2500 tickets and you can purchase up to 6 tickets in one order, to cover families or...