YFH - Inspire


Level 30
Jul 19, 2011
The lands of Kiwike. A glorious land indeed. Home to the finest people, and the strongest empire. The empire of The Legion. Its Kingship was shared by two young men, Veloc and Kevo. They ran everything, the army, the economy, -everything-. They were loved by their people, for they were kind and charming. The Legion was unstoppable, with Veloc's talents of strategy and stealth, and Kevo's unbeatable fighting skills, they were always prepared. Not one of the, many, assassination attempts worked. Their life changed abruptly though.​

The two patron gods (and )of The Legion's religion, Dannie and Echo (the girl), had a cute little baby. They names it Noodle. Noodle was a strong person, always learning, and always making things better. He felt that with his power, he should start his own land, BETTER than Kiwike! So he made the lands of Aggression.​

When Veloc heard about these lands, he immediately jumped to expand. Although Aggression had been around for a few months before its name got to him. So he sailed off with Kevo, leaving his son in charge of Kiwike.​

The boat was huge, made of Kiwike's finest redwood. A beautiful vessel indeed. Noodle did not want them to taint the lands of Aggression, so he sent fierce creatures to stop them. With Kevo's spot-on archery, and Veloc's hand crafted diamond blade, they were able to slay each beast with ease. Aggression's shore was in sight, and Kevo and Veloc had no idea what to expect.​

The two had docked on shore. Aggression was the most pulchritudinous (pretty) land they'd ever seen! Back in Kiwike, they learned many things, so on Aggression, they did not struggle with finding food and making shelter.​

The second day, they explored the vast fields, the huge mountains, the massive oceans. Indented in a cliffside, they saw a small village They approached carefully. The two listened and watched, and managed to hear that they were an elite group of Assassins, led by the killer Lloydies. The two snuck into the village stealing all they could find. Kevo lifted the top of a giant chest to find it full of diamonds. The two king's gathered it all and went out the door. Although what they saw, lowered their blissful mood. They watched as Lloydies stared into their eyes. He charged.​

Kevo quickly shot an arrow, it lodged straight into Lloydies right shoulder, he acted as if he couldn't feel it and kept hurdling towards Kevo. Veloc tossed Kevo his sword, and watched as Kevo prepared. Lloydies tackled Kevo with ease and raised his blade, suddenly Kevo kicked the arrow that was still in Lloydies shoulder, and it scraped Lloydie's bone and flopped out the back of his sholder. Kevo quickly rolled and grabbed Lloydies head, holding his eyes to the sun and focusing his blade on the throat. Kevo walked him into a nearby cabin, and they locked the door, trapping him inside.​

Lloydies was a beast of a man, almost twice the size of Veloc, and muscles throbbing for action. But he was no match for Kevo, and the two ran off with all the diamond they would ever need. They continued to pillage in secret, making them wealthy people. They connected all the factions together, making trade possible. When all was good, and they were crowned kings of Aggression. The unspeakable happened.​

The Royal Minecraft Militia, a large group of talented men, stepped foot on Aggression. They tried to cease the Empire from Veloc and Kevo, but the two kings held them off. Kevo and Veloc knew they couldn't keep these people away forever, and that their power could be quite useful. So they befriended the group, and miraculously found that they were fucking awesome! They gave the RMM many materials, and fought alongside them. Forming a strong alliance with one of Aggression's most powerful clans. The Legion was starting to rule Aggression.​

Many new, sickly people came to the land, in search of treasures and freedom. The two kings looked upon them with disgust. Though over the weeks, started to look at them in a different light. They helped them, making them noble and respected people. Instead of The Legion, they changed their name to Inspire. In hopes of encouraging those who wanted to become like them.​

Inspire was very strong. They became richer than they were in Kiwike, and more powerful than a thousand armies. They built huge towers along the land, made of the finest materials to show their wealth and power. Inspire is looked upon as the rulers of Aggression, followed by the gods of the Staff.​