

Level 1
Jul 17, 2011

You awoke from your bed one morning ready to mine for coal. You get out of bed, ready your Iron Pickaxe, go downstaris, grab a porkchop, and head off to the mine. You step outside only to see a town of ruin. Your city has been overrun with mindless zombies, creepers, skeletons, and spiders. You take action quickly. Running down to your storage, you prepare yourself for a new life. You grab stacks of cobble, wood, and a wealthy supply of food. You then grab some swords, shovels, and your most valuable item: The diamond axe given to you as a child by your grandfather. You sprint for the door. Outside, fire engulfs each home. You hear the squeals of pigs and cows. You head for the nearest Cart Station. After a long, bloody battle with numerous "Infected" you see an open cart. You head for it recklessly, killing Infected on your way. You realize it is too crowded, too packed with the Infected. Your sword has worn out, and you have nothing left to use. You are sprawled on the ground, fear in your eyes. Cornered by a commanding creeper, you have no sword, and only one heart remaining. As the creeper creeps closer, you remember your most prized possession: your diamond axe. Hearing a "Tssss...", you quickly fling the axe at the creeper. It lands home in his skull. He falls to the ground with a lound thump, and the hissing dissapears. You scurry to the cart, and ride off.

...One year later...

You have managed to successfully build a safe home for you and many other friends you have met along the way. The Infected still roam the land of Minecraft. You and your faction must strive to survive. You eat, sleep, work, and slay Infected together. As more and more survivors are found, we become stronger. One day we will find a way to rid of this madness; but for now, all we can do is survive. Many questions lie ahead, and few can be answered. Join this noble cause and become one of us. Become a survivor. Become... a Viral.

Please fill out this application

In-game name:



Why we should accept you:

How long you have been playing Minecraft overall:

Specialty (Mining, Building, Fighting):

How often are you available:


Level 15
Jul 8, 2011
Thats a good story but for a faction on a pvp server i surgest you say what you do and put some ranks in there and maybe that story is how your faction formed?


Level 1
Jul 17, 2011
Change the thread from "Virlas" to "Virals".

Oh, shoot! How do you change a thread?

--- merged: Jul 21, 2011 at 5:34 PM ---

Thats a good story but for a faction on a pvp server i surgest you say what you do and put some ranks in there and maybe that story is how your faction formed?

How does one go about adding ranks to a faction?


Level 0
Jul 23, 2011
In-game name: carso528

Age: 13

Country: U.S.A

Why we should accept you: because I am beast

How long you have been playing Minecraft overall: 8 months

Specialty (Mining, Building, Fighting): building

How often are you available: very

The Noodle

Level 48
Aug 1, 2010
Please be aware that your faction has not paid the faction tax outlined here. Failure to pay will result in your faction being disbanded and this thread being removed.