V Rising Bitten Down by 26%, a Limited Time Ghost of Tsushima PC Discount, and More!

Welcome to a Thursday chock full of sweet gaming discounts. I'm always on the prowl for AAA Switch titles that are sub-sixty-bucks, and today that's Pikmin 4. I honestly think PC folk should also stake an early claim on Ghost of Tsushima Director's or sink their fangs into V Rising. You know what? Let's keep that "quality vampire games" motif going. Segue: engaged...

In retro news, I'm celebrating the 21st birthday of Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow, a GBA gem that slayed to a Belmont degree. I fully recall being hooked by its off-kilter premise—Soma Cruz, Japanese high schooler from the year 2035, gets sucked back in time to bust chops à la Alucard from Symphony of the Night. It also looked a damn sight prettier than its middling GBA forebears, Circle of the Moon and Harmony of Dissonance, featured a link-cable trading Souls system, and wrapped with a pretty amazing plot-twist. Truly, one of the best entries in the franchise entire.

This Day in Gaming

Aussie birthdays for notable games.

- Killer Instinct Gold (N64) 1997. Ebay

- Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (GBA) 2003. Remaster

- Kirby and the Rainbow Curse (WiiU) 2015. Ebay

Table of Contents

[H1]Nice Savings for Nintendo Switch[/H1]

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How much to make the switch to Switch?

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[H1]Purchase Cheaply for PC[/H1]

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Slay your pile of shame.

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[H1]Exciting Bargains for Xbox[/H1]

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How many bucks for a Box?

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[H1]Pure Scores for PlayStation[/H1]

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Hardware Watch

How much you'll pay to Station.

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Adam Mathew is our Aussie deals wrangler. He plays practically everything, often on YouTube.

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