URF is back for the week


Level 0
Mar 31, 2015
Ultra rapid fire is back from last year for the week.
For those that don't know what this is, its a game type within league of legends that gives everyone a massive buff in game which does:

Awesome Buff of Awesomely Awesome Buffing

Abilities - Now costs zero for Mana and Energy Resources
Cooldown Reduction - Automatically set at 80% for abilities, Activated Items, and Summoner Spells
Attack speed - Automatically Doubled for ranged champions
Movement speed - +60 for all champions
Tenacity - +25 for all champions
Critical strike damage - +25% for ranged champions
Gold Income - x5 gain for all champions

so as you can imagine things get a little messed up in game, for example vlad can blood pool almost constantly, Kayle can cast her ult every 12 seconds, Sona can cast her heal repeatedly and so on..