The Lone Wolves, [apply for the faction]


Level 1
Nov 13, 2011
The Lone Wolves are a group of trusted and excellent soldiers, they will never step back for an enemy because if they get attacked they will always bite back!

The faction works as a back in the medieval when there was a lot of violence every where and people needed to have some protection otherwise they would be robbed or killed so they went to a king with a his castle, the king offered them some land and protection wen they got attacked, for the protection and the land the people needed to give him some of there revenues of their farm or something else. When there was a war they needed to fight for the king to.

we work with this system so we give you a plot and a public or private farm in our city (with new walls ) so you have got some protection and you can mine,farm,build on your plot, the only thing you need to give us is some of your revenues and you need to fight for us when we got a war with another faction.

So if you wanna be one of the Lone Wolves fill this out:

1: IGN (in game name).

2: Why do you want to join the lone wolves, what do you think you can add to the faction?

3: Are you active and are you planning to be active in the future.

4: How much can you donate to the faction (iconomy money).

5: What's your specialty?

6: Can we trust you?

7: How long have you been on the server?

8: Where you from?


you can earn ranks by just playing and help the faction to grow YOU CAN'T BUY IT.

we will tell you if you ranked up (or down if bad behavior).

questions? ask me on the forums or in game to: mtbrik(admin) pabolofski(mod)



Level 1
Nov 13, 2011
O hey, these ranks look similar to what we used to have. But no officer ranks, are those extra-secret?

nope i took out the officer ranks because people cant get those, only after a long time when i fully trust you or you have to be a (irl) friend.


Level 1
Nov 13, 2011
So if I would become an irl friend of yours I could suddenly become an officer? That seems flawed.

no if your a irl friend i know 100% sure that i can trust you and wont be stealing and griefing the faction. and if you are a member long enough and you havent done anything wrong and i trust you you can get officer ranks aswell.


Level 0
Nov 15, 2011

Here follows my apply:

1: IGN (in game name). - bartjhu007

2: Why do you want to join the lone wolves, what do you think you can add to the faction? -I hope i can strengthen your faction. I think games are more fun if u play with more people, that's why i want to join. - I'm a great raider + resourcer.

3: Are you active and are you planning to be active in the future. - I will be everyday online and whenever u need me (u can add me on skype)

4: How much can you donate to the faction (iconomy money). You can have my votepoints.

5: What's your specialty? Raiding and Mining

6: Can we trust you? Yes u can. I have been in many faction and i have never betrayed one.

7: How long have you been on the server? I'm new in this server so i hope u give me a chance.

8: Where you from? Holland

Yours sincerely,



Level 1
Nov 13, 2011

ok, you will get added see you on the server!


Level 1
Nov 13, 2011
btw viip3rx apply:

1: IGN (in game name). Viip3rx

2: Why do you want to join the lone wolves, what do you think you can add to the faction? Because you asked and i wasent in a nother factoin

3: Are you active and are you planning to be active in the future.sure i am active and i vill stay active

4: How much can you donate to the faction (iconomy money).all i have (its not very much)

5: What's your specialty? i Dont quite

6: Can we trust you? yes you can

7: How long have you been on the server? a couple off months

8: Where you from?Norway