SoulReject Thread


Level 27
Aug 1, 2011
Hi, you have now reached the SoulReject page. I am Jeffrocks26, a newly recruited member of SoulReject. This faction has land, power, and numbers. We are a faction that is not well known on the server, but we have one of the most skilled factions on the server in my opinion. Lorddeath2 is our leader and creator of SoulReject. After that is killerash121 who is a trustworthy and battle-ready mod for our faction. And last but not least, jeffrocks26 and minemachine2000 who are also ready for battle. Mess with any of us, mess with SoulReject.

Recruiting: Currently we are taking in players who are trustworthy, loyal, and tough and arnt afraid of a fight. Write on the thread if you wish, and think you can join.

