NMR Recruit


Level 15
Jul 8, 2011
The NMR is now open for Recruitment!

NMR introduction

(will be filled in later)

NMR History

The NMR hasn’t been around long, so there’s not much to say, We was growing back in 1.6 but the clan was disbanded. But we was back! In 1.7.2 and we having been growing since! We have recently been closed and not many people were aloud in but now we are open!

NMR Enlisting

Right now to the enlisting! To Join NMR you must answer these questions, please answer them true fully and with good answers NOT just you’re a good clan can I join sort of thing.

Why do you want to join the NMR?

What clans have you been in before?

Witch do you prefer? Attack or siege.

Have you been kicked from other clans for stealing or anything else?

Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it?

Do you have Skype?

If you have any questions ask me on Skype. My Skype is Jordtz Taylor.


Level 44
Jan 29, 2011
Why do you wanna join NMR: I used to be on a server where the RMM was and they destroyed our massive lava wall, so I would like to get back at them and your one of their enemies.

Why do you want to join the NMR? I used to go on a server and was enemies to the RMM (They raided us every other day) and you are one of their enemies and i would like to help you against them.

What clans have you been in before?No Clans but i have been in a nation.

Witch do you prefer? Siege.

Have you been kicked from other clans for stealing or anything else? Nope

Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it? If I had one i would use it.

Do you have Skype? No, I don't see the point of it if you don't have a mic.