Lets talk about reorganising.

The Noodle

Level 48
Aug 1, 2010
A few staff members and general members have suggested some form of reorganisation. So lets discuss it. You can do so in a few places. I'll of course read every post here but you can also come and have a chat on mumble. Or you can send a private message if you feel that is the best medium for your idea.


Level 31
Oct 10, 2010
You will read every post? Does that mean I need to type out some form of epic novel so you must read it. That also means we need an Aggravate in here >.>

And re-organising in terms of the staff role or as in a major forums/clans clean uo? A little more detail is needed on this please. Does this also mean that Dakry loses his sexy admin powers and the ability to change Have-rock's name?


Level 32
Oct 14, 2010
New Organizational Plan

1. What?


This is my view on what the reorganization should look like.

2. Why?

Autonomy is a very important part of just about every clan, and it's something they don't really get much of here at BoN. This isn't because we force them to be less autonomous but because of the way we first organized BoN (well I wouldn't include myself in we, although I did not initially voice any concern about the way things were being done). Basically when a new clan joins we will give you space on OUR mumble server, and some room on OUR forums, unless you are VERY specific about what you want you will be merged into BoN.

For clans being able to do your own thing is very important, and having your own custom website is part of that. They don't really get that here at BoN, they will be integrated into the BoN Blueness that is this forum, and they will just be another channel on the BoN Mumble. I propose we try and change this a bit, without making it insanely expensive for Noodle to host this out of his own pocket (you cheap fags should donate moar, I know I would if I wasn't poor.)

3. How?

Bare in mind this is just the proposed structure, not the actual "how do?".

Bowl Of Noodles - This would be the initial webpage that you would see upon entering BowlOfNoodles.net, maybe add something about Noodle here, and some details on what exactly we do and what services are offered, this can branch off into multiple webpages if you wish, with a proper clan registration section etc.

BoN Specific Forums - The center forum, General, Off topic, Suggestions etc all go in here. The clan specific forums won't have Off topic or General sections, that way all the clans will still communicate using the primary BoN Forums, but if they need to discuss something more clan specific they have the clan forums.

BoN Radio - Self explanatory

W/e You want - In this case it's just a branch off the main webpages, that way the webpage would lead to BoN Radio, The BoN Filesharing site, The BoN Forums, The BoN W/e (see where I'm going with this?)

Clan #1-3 Specific Webpage - Each clan would be given their own WEBPAGES, this means they aren't just small sections on some very general forum, they now have their own webpage, which may include information about the clan, members, ranks, contact info w/e (I'll discuss this further with noodle if he decides to go forward with this structure or if he wants to know what this would mean for him in terms of hosting.

Clan #1-3 Specific Chat Servers - When clans register they should have the option to either be a part of the general BoN Chat server (maybe mention that this is preferred over separate chat servers.) or have a Chat server hosted just for them (Offer a wide variety of things.)

Clan #1-3 Specific Whatever - We basically already offer this, game servers specifically for a clan, or perhaps a file sharing service specifically for that clan.

Another thing is to give clans more power over their servers and webpages, so we would have to re-structure the way BoN ranks work.

Super Admins - Would still do everything everywhere

Admins - Would still maintain most of their power, but should avoid moderating other clans forums

Moderators - Would only moderate illegal material (you know jailbait, underage pr0nz, child porn all that yummy stuff you should send to my PM box instead of posting it on some open forum where Noodle might get in trouble if someone INRNT SRS BSNS sees it.)

Members - BoN would no longer have members, instead clan members can apply to become part of BoN staff (Moderators , Admins, Super Admins)

Each clan would than be responsible for moderating their own forums and keeping things nice and neat, clans may request to give Admins and Moderators more power over their forums (although Admins would already be able to moderate other forums, they really shouldn't it would give clans more power over their own assets.)

The same would apply to servers, we are here but we won't mess with your MC or Chat server unless you specifically request it. They may either provide their own techie, or give us control over their servers etc (if they do provide their own techie, he would be given a limited access to the general BoN server where the MC or chat servers are hosted.)

If they wish to have one of their members run the servers but do not know how, someone would be appointed to help them. (I would gladly volunteer as long as they don't mind me telling them to "Fucking google" and of course "you're some kinda dumb" {Thanks btw charles for that...... I can't see something dumb anymore and I'm reminded that it's some kinda retarded} )

Security Issues - Due to security issues adding plugins or new features to the forums / game servers / etc. will be run through a BoN admin (preferably Tom or Noodle). However things like actually moderating (deleting unwanted off topic posts, moving posts etc.) in each clans forum section will still be left up to them.

4. When?

IF Noodle decides to go through with this, it would probably first be tested inside of a test environment to make sure it doesn't completely consume his servers Bandwidth, RAM, CPU, Disk space etc. and a release date for the update would probably be given during testing.

5. Who?

Unsure yet exactly who would be in charge of what on the update if Noodle does decide to accept this.

6. Where?

Might as well include this since it's the only one missing , also the Internet, that is all.


Level 32
Oct 14, 2010
Way to double post, Also I did include a fair warning in my post that I was going to edit it.

It just didn't seem like I did.


Level 46
Sep 29, 2010
I initially liked the idea of clans being close together on BoN as they were all using the same services; I figured it could make it easier to set up organised clan battles and recruit from other clans. To really feel like a clan and not a sub-forum on a hosting site, they need nice things. Their own nice things that only they can use and break. I just feel that if clans have their own servers/forums that the conjoined BoN services will die off.

The Noodle

Level 48
Aug 1, 2010
(We're conversing on mumble)

Extra thoughts:

Force all clans to use xenforo as their forum software

General sections are prohibited on clan forums. (Off topic etc) This would keep communication between clans while allowing them to have their own shit.

I've been looking at the Xenforo user databases and I think I can make it work so that your login/account info/password/etc will carry over between xenforo installations. Essential idea:

{user} New user joins a clan

{user} Registers on clans forum @ clanname.bowlofnoodles.net

{system} Insert user information into main xenforo db

{clan} Changes the new users group to accepted or something that denotes that they are infact a member

{system} Adds user title on main forum, ie, RMM Member, Fusion Staff depending on group to which the user was added

{BoN} Bans user

{system} copies ban to all Xen installs


Level 19
Feb 16, 2011
Sigh, first thing is first: Bad. "Noodle, I think we're going to have to cancel the barbie this weekend."

1. While you could give people individual XenForo installations, and this is a good idea for them managing themselves, there are some cons:

  • If you are a certain someone (we all know who) then you won't know anything about anything, and have way too many problems trying to use a forum, let alone creating, managing, and generally administrating their own instance.
  • Aforementioned somebody could fuck up the users table, depending on the way in which you set it up, many ways are insecure; and generally a solution such as this (distributed login, such as logging in to a site using your BoN account .vs. using your {$clan_name} account) is done internally, IE: with sites that ARE managed by Bowl of Noodles, and not by other users who could be malicious / dumb.
  • That being said, I have a few ideas on securing the users table; if you do decide to do this distributed login system (see 2)

2. One-way database access, using a script set to accept only requests from X Y Z site with X Y Z columns being readable, so sites would not be able to access things they should not.) Such as that you request dist.users and have access to their registration status, and if they are banned or not; basic user profile information, and maybe their email address; but your password is NOT visible from the sub-site (hence you would have to "register" your account on the sub-site with a new (or the same, just re-entered) password.)

This would prevent people with some intelligence from acting as a clan, getting your hosting, and then just dumping the entire users table with use of a Xenforo add-on, their personal website, or some other sneaky means.

This is not to say that Xenforo passwords are easy to crack; because they are not, but that you should take precautions against the worst possible situation of all possible situations at all times.


I would say more, but I don't care to at the moment. Also: Nobody has been on Mumble for the last 2 hours if not more, except for DannyXC which mistakenly entered because he had not read the forum message yet.


Level 21
Jul 11, 2011

I take offense to that. At least I try my best. BTW I totally agree with this idea and since I don't know much of anything I don't think I have any real input I could add here. I can just say whether I like it or not and I like it.

The Noodle

Level 48
Aug 1, 2010
Unfortunately you/fusion demonstrate a habit that is second to only malicious attacks when it comes to danger to our data. Given that you the Fusion server has so many plugins I'm gonna go ahead and guess that this would happen to your forum. The problem with that is that not everyone on the internet is nice. Lets look at a plugin with less than ten lines of code for example. Now remember that these lines can be included anywhere in a massive file, you can't check for everything.


Try viewing the page source, you'll see the massive security hole. For this reason the ability to install plugins and modifications on subforums will be disabled without the supervision of BoN staff. This will prevent your forum from breaking, and our data from being destroyed.


Level 21
Jul 11, 2011
Its more of me, I try to do something on my own and it breaks.... Our forum would however not be set-up by me. Both JJgang and Reverend have taken web-design classes and especially Reverend who has take quiet a few of them since college. Stwephanie who is also one of our mods has focused on advertising and business while in college so she should be able to help. The website is not going to be something that will break or cause data loss and I am sure that they will all run it by you first for tests.

I will say that we aren't the only server with as many plugins as this. There are many more out there with 20+ when we try to keep it at a number that only includes what we need. We are trying to create an environment where players will be able to choose from multiple role-plays (player-created role-plays) that can compete against each other in the server through politics, economics, and fighting. Certain plugins are just for fun but many of them are necessary for what we are trying to accomplish. It says more to have many plugins that work smoothly together than just a few that you know will work. We actually have to be testers for things that can go wrong when plugins over-lap while other servers just use some do-it-all plugins that won't interfere with anything. Those same do-it-all plugins don't work for us. They don't cover everything.

That is all way off-topic so lets get back on topic. I still approve of this idea and see the huge gap in protection and why Noodle would want to mandate use of Xenforo. It makes sure no problems arise and for people that don't know anything about making domains it is simple to learn and use.

**Just an add-on: I usually ask a lot of questions and when I break things bring them to you instead of actually trying very hard to do it myself because I enjoy learning and I know if you fix it while teaching me its better than getting lots of different ways to fix it that may or not work from Googling how to do it. (Which I still do but from experience have made it worse.)

The Noodle

Level 48
Aug 1, 2010
Its not you breaking things that's the problem. Lets say you find a plugin that sounds cool and would help your users. You'd install it right? There is almost no way for you to tell if it introduces a massive security risk. And because of the nature of the setup that can effect not only your forum but every other clans forum and this forum and the other content hosted by BoN. We can't have that. Oh and sorry guys, you don't control ads


Level 47
Jan 29, 2011
I approve of proposed ideas, as long as said oversight is given to installation of new plugins and/or changes to forums that could affect security.

Oh and taking web design courses means nothing when it comes to security. I know web designers that have gone through four years of a web design course, who don't understand why you have to sanitize SQL inputs.


Level 32
Oct 14, 2010
There I've added a small Security section detailing what they would have control over and what they would be required to submit to a BoN admin for approval (preferably Tom or Noodle).


Level 21
Jul 11, 2011
I am not gonna have any control over our Forums other than moderation so as far as security reasons I don't think we are going to cause problems. Which I still take kinda insulting. As far as the plugins we use on our Server, they are recycled from old servers that have used them before. The creators just kept updating them. We find most of them by going through the old websites of servers that have since died out. We don't just scour bukkit for the most random plugins we think will help and install them. We would always first check that they have some proof they are professional. We don't even scour bukkit for things like that in the first place. I also have learned that you can't hack past Minecraft and into the computer that runs it. I am not sure if plugins could but then again you shouldn't need to worry so much. I am sure a virus could cause problems and chaos but I don't think anybody out there particularly wants BoN information. I think unlikely that you guys have any enemies. That said installing anything to the forums that may cause a security risk should be monitored but if you end up making it too hard for clans who want to use BoN then they won't come here or they will if they are already here.