I am very sorry for what i did.


Level 2
Aug 6, 2011
Im sorry that i am not following the correct format for unbanning, but there is no relevant information about my banning in the thread link that you had provided below.


I acknowledge that i had raged and then advertised another server, and for that i am dearly sorry.

I really like this server, i just got very aggravated because i had been killed quite a bit.

Also, for some reason, when the people were spamming the chat by disconnecting/reconnecting. My MC started to act up, it used what looked like to me /pl quite a few times. I was kicked for that, and apologize also for that happening, i did not want that to happen to your lovely server.

And i am sorry that i acted like an ass-hole on your lovely server.

Please consider my unbanning.

Best regards,



Level 29
Jul 3, 2011
Hmm, Okay.. since your being nice about it. But next time it's permanent.

3 hours jailed as a very light punishment. Welcome back

- Dannie | Administration


Level 2
Aug 6, 2011
ugggh, what happened now?

I couldnt write in chat, and i was stuck underneath jail for almost 30 mins.

After re-installing minecraft, Cub thought that i had found a glitch and was using it to exploit my way outa there.

I had no way of communicating with them till the very last second, where i said, "Can someone please tp me back to jail?"

Next thing i new, bannhammer has spoken.


That was the weirdest shit that has ever happened to me, EVER.

Can someone explain what happened?

The Noodle

Level 48
Aug 1, 2010
Someone else can sort that out, I wasn't there. However, if I see you mention another server again your ban will be permanent and indisputable.


Level 2
Aug 6, 2011
You teleported into the water to drown yourself and escape jail?

Here is what happened from my view.

I was extremely bored in jail, so to entertain myself I was punching out the glass underneath me, falling into the water beneath the jail, and then being tp'd by the jail plugin back into jail.

I did this to keep me from leaving the server for about 20 mins, during what seemed like a lag spike though, I fell through the glass block after punching it, and landed in the water as expected. Except I wasn't tp'd back up, th glass block re-formed above me, and I was stuck in the water. I drowned as you would if you stayed underwater for too long. Except I wasn't moved back to spawn, or anywhere. From my camera angle, I was stuck underneath the jail. I couldn't get out. Now not only was I stuck underneath the jail, I couldnt converse in chat. Every time I typed out a chat message and pressed enter, the chat dissapeared, and the message was not put in the chat box. After 15 mins or so, I exited out of MC and reinstalled it. I logged on, and was away from underneath the jail, I said, " can someone tp me back to the jail?" but no one listened. Seconds after asking if I could be tp'd back to the jail, I was banned.

That is the uncensored and truthful perspective of what happened last night.

If you want i will gladly try and duplicate the gitch so that you can fix it faster, but I also don't want to waste any more of your time.

Please unban me. I love this server too much for an odd glitch to cause me to be banned.

Best regards,



Level 29
Jul 3, 2011
If you end up banned one more time you will be permanently banned, despite if you have sufficient evidence against the crime. I'm getting fairly bored with already to be totally honest. Don't let me see you on the 'Ban Appeals' page again.

- Dannie | Administrator