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Level 29
Jul 3, 2011
Falsebook -

Falsebook is a complex but extremely helpful and interesting plugin that provides various solutions and mechanics to help you complete your Minecraft base and structures! The plugin provides the the following! After reading this you may want to move into game and visit the large house at the spawn area which has some examples of common Falsebook entries.


To make a gate simply make a doorway and place gates along the top void. As demonstrated below.


X...........X......... . = Fence

X...........X........X = Block


Then place a sign that reads '[Gate]' on the second line.

Right clicking this sign will toggle the gate!


The make a gate simple make the bridge as you would want it to look, using only one material such as Wooden Planks, stone etc.

XX=================XX........Toggle =.............XX=................................=XX


X = Anyblock

= = Specific Bridge Block.

To toggle the bridge like above make a sign that reads 'Bridge' on the second line.

Togglable Blocks:

Some blocks may be wired and toggled using Falsebook. Just link them using redstone to a button or lever and let the plugin do the magic. Below is the conversion of what happens when you do this properly; (all of these may be reversed)

SoulSand = GlowStone

NetherRack = NetherRack on Fire

Pumpkin = Glowing Pumpkin

Toggle Anything into Nothing:

This is fairly tricky if you don't read closely so follow my lead.

First grab a WoodenHoe and rlick click twice on the corners of the areas you which to toggle.

It should read; [FB-Area] Position One Selected

........................[FB-Area] Position Two Selected

Anything in this area will disappear by the end of this.

Now type /farea [chosen name] giving you the message: Falsebook-Area saved as: '[chosen name]'

Now for the moment of truth, place a sign anywhere you like.. I mean anywhere! and type on the top like what you called the Farea. On the second like '[Toggle]' and that's it! Try it out. Perfect for making small traps, hidden doors etc.

Tricks with Mine Carts:

There is a few things you may achieve thanks to Falsebook with Mine Carts. Certain blocks that are on under the tracks have the ability to slow, speed, stop and eject depending on where they are used and how they're installed.


Stations are a great way to provide a planned complete halt on a Mine Cart track with the ability to instantly take off again with the push of a button / pull of a lever. First of all find the spot in your track you'd like this to be placed and dig two down where the track would normally run over. At the bottom of this ditch put a sign that reads 'Station' on the second line. This if done correctly will give you the message; 'Stationsign created.' After this place a obsidian block on top of the sign to level the track out again, this will give you the message; 'Stationblock created.' and under that 'Wire it up and place a station sign under it.' We've already added the sign so now lets create the button and wire it up. Leave a one block space and build a 2high tower with any material, placing a button on the side of the tower facing the track to create the station tower, then in the space you left open place one piece of Redstone to complete the circuit!

Boosters and Breaks:

Certain materials under the tracks allow the Minecarts to slow down, these are as follows:

Booster 2x - GoldOre

Booster 8x - GoldBlock

BrakeBlock 25% - Gravel

BrakeBlock 50% - Soulsand

ReverseBlock - Bedrock

Expert IC's:

Some IC's are a lot harder to use in some cases, and due to a good active developer behind Falsebook there is a lot of them, infact more than can be individually listed in one post. Recently the developer has introduced an 'IC Wiki'.

View the IC wiki here! As a side note you can not use or create any of the 'World Edit' IC's. And Admins / Moderators are forbidden from making them for you.
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