EVE General Guides to Everything


Level 32
Oct 14, 2010
EVE General Guides to Everything​
Table of contents :​
1...............................................This [that]​
2............................Mining Guide [mineg]​
2a............................................Ores [oreg]​

1) This [that]
Okay, so I've made this thread so that we can put up any information that might be useful to the corp.
Try not to copy pasta things from the wiki, make it easy for newer players to read and understand.

2) Mining Guide [mineg]
So you've decided to play EVE and since we just pulled you from the tutorial you probably have no idea wtf you're doing, well don't worry, simply follow what we tell you and keep in mind these ores.

2a) Ores [oreg]
| Ores | Tier 10% | Tier 5% | Tier Normal |
| Mercoxit | Vitreous | Magma | Normal |
| Arkonor | Prime | Crimson | Normal |
| Bistot | Monoclinic | Triclinic | Normal |
| Crokite | Crystalline | Sharp | Normal |
| Spodumain | Gleaming | Bright | Normal |
| Dark Ochre | Obsidian | Onyx | Normal |
| Gneiss | Prismatic | Iridescent | Normal |
| Hedbergite | Glazed | Vitric | Normal |
| Hemorphite | Radiant | Vivid | Normal |
| Jaspet | Pristine | Pure | Normal |
| Kernite | Fiery | Luminous | Normal |
| Omber | Golden | Silvery | Normal |
| Plagioclse | Azure | Rich | Normal |
| Pyroxeres | Viscous | Solid | Normal |
| Scordite | Massive | Condensed | Normal |
| Veldspar | Dense | Concentrated | Normal |

Tier 1 ) Best Ores, can be refined into high price high-end minerals such as Morphite / Zydrine / Megacyte / Nocxium.

Tier 2 ) Good Ores, can be refined into high price high-end minerals, and better low-end minerals such as Nocxium / Isogen / Mexallon.

Tier 3 ) Basic Ores, can be refined into low-end minerals Pyerite / Tritanium.

Tier 4 ) Shitty Ores, can be refined into the lowest low-end minerals Pyerite / Tritanium.

Early on, you should focus on mining Tier 4 and Tier 3 Ores, since you won't find the rest in higher secs. Don't worry about the refining process, that's something that will be covered later, as I fucking learn how to do it, you know?

Tier 10% ) These ores will provide a 10% bonus yield when they are refined, so they should be top priority.

Tier 5% ) These ores will provide a 5% bonus yield when they are refined, mine these if you can't find any 10% ores in your asteroid belt.

Tier Normal ) This will just provide you with your normal yield.