Download the Eurovision stage! Re-enact the magic!

Eurovision is just around the corner! Literally! 2016’s Eurovision song contest is happening this Saturday in Stockholm, Sweden. That’s where our office is based, in case you didn’t know.

That means fun flags on buses, singing tunnels, Swedish celebrities talking in subway stations, a pop-up Eurovision village, and previous winning tunes getting blasted out at pedestrian crossings. All those things are true by the way - Stockholm is hyped about what must be one of the most cheery, joyous competitions of the year.

With that in-mind, we’ve laced a bit of that Eurovision magic into Minecraft. We’ve teamed up with FyreUK and SVT (a Swedish TV channel) to build the Eurovision stage in Minecraft for PC (the Java version). The real-life stage will have at least 42 different looks during the actual show, so get creative and build your favourite ones! Re-enact the extravaganza!

To use the map, download and unzip the file below, then place the resulting folder in the Saves bit of your game directory. A quick way to find the game directory is to click Edit Profile then Open Game Directory from the launcher.

Have fun everyone! And enjoy Eurovision 2016!

Owen - @bopogamel

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