Cobalt Game Jam #1 is happening this weekend!

Creating video games is creative, fun, and cool. Loads of awesome people are doing it right now. And you can be one of those awesome people! To celebrate, the friendly folk at Oxeye Game Studio are hosting a Cobalt Game Jam this weekend.

That basically means that a bunch of folk have agreed to make a game within a set time limit. Some participants are streaming their progress too; it’s a great way to get instant feedback and stay motivated.

The Oxeye Game Jam is a casual affair. There’s no pressure or cost, but there is an extremely high chance of fun and increased knowledge. The jam finishes this Sunday at 12:00 CET.

If you’re interested in taking part, or would like to watch the current participants cook up their creations, visit the Cobalt channel on Espernet, check out Daniels post on the Oxeye Blog, and watch and inspire these good folk as they craft their own masterpieces:

Have a great weekend everyone!

Owen – @bopogamel, Daniel – @Vraket, and Pontus – @Kinten

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