Cobalt delayed until February 2016 :(

Hi everyone,

You’re probably already familiar with Cobalt – a game published by Mojang and developed by Oxeye Game Studio. Watch the trailer below, if you like.

Unfortunately, despite what that trailer says, we’re not going to hit our planned release date of October 30th. Cobalt has been delayed until February, 2016.

We’ve been working on Cobalt for a long time and, though the game is feature complete, our current build is buggier than we’re comfortable with. We want every part of Cobalt – the campaign, challenges, and local and online multiplayer to live up to your expectations, no matter which platform you play it on. That’s going to require a bit more development time.

In honesty, we don’t need four months to fix the outstanding issues, but releasing a game on console is an especially complicated business. There are release windows, and certification things, and all kinds of boxes that need to be ticked before games can be released into the wild.

So yes, amend your calendars – February 2016! Cobalt’s new release date! It’s going to be a blast!

Thanks for your patience,
Mojang and Oxeye Games

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