Can someone help?


Level 21
Jul 11, 2011
So here is some art for Fusion I have been working on:

[attachment=622:Fusion 1.jpg]

See now that is some good art but here is some art where I seem to have a problem:

[attachment=623:Fusion Logo 3 Bigger.egg_6bcc9.png]

Does anyone think they could clean that up for me? I tried my best but after two days of about 4 hours each ( Then I moved on to something else that I might post for some help to but its not too bad.) I can't do it anymore. I need the text to be more easily read. I also need the lines to be smoothed around the edges. If you change the colors so they are darker that is ok but please help me make this so if I made it bigger it won't be so pixelated and doesn't look like crap while its small. If no one wants to either that is ok, hopefully the other one comes out better.


  • Fusion 1.jpg
    1.6 KB · Views: 1
  • Fusion Logo 3 Bigger.egg_6bcc9.png
    784 bytes · Views: 1