Arena Idea


Level 24
Jul 18, 2011
Well playin with some of my friends on other servers i saw something that gave me a badass idea.

Having a arena with the typical RvB corners. It would be kinda like the Battle Hub from 1.7 but must provide their own armor and weapons. Therefor u get all the loot from them plus the prize between the 2 fees

Im not all that great with redstone but having one team kill all other opponents pull a switch in the enemy's base which will open another switch in your own, (or sumthing like that)

It could be challenged by a faction or be held as tournaments, entry fee can be diamonds or money, a admin or mod must be online to set the prize in the stadium or pay the reward afterward,

Here's some pics of what i saw it needs alot of work but i could build something similar to this but im gunna need help with the redstone wiring;

Note this is just brainstorming and feedback would be awesome i really like the idea of this, it would be awesome


Level 24
Jul 18, 2011
Maybe a lottery type thing for factions with 5 or more people so u always gotta be ready and have active faction members, or factions who havent pvp at all recently but online alot, kinda luck of the draw or sumthing like tht