A Message from RMM's General Gielnor


Level 39
Jul 4, 2010
Greetings Aggression community. My name is Gielnor, and I am a General of the Royal Minecraft Militia. Don't be surprised if you have not seen me around, as I have not been able to get on as much as I would like. Now for the subject at hand:

It has come to my attention that the RMM is considered a nuisance and a threat by many on the server. I have received reports of abuse in public chat, unprovoked attacks and general unwarranted harassment by my clan. For this I accept some responsibility, as I was not online to guide and discipline the RMM, and for this I apologize. In an effort to bring some degree of trust to our relationship on this server, I will outline our plans for the near future.

The Militia was founded on the principles of honor and justice, and I intend to return to our roots. To this end, the RMM will no longer be actively seeking territory on the server, and will instead be focused on defensive action. We are currently in the process of building a new base in an undisclosed location fairly distant from spawn. Once the base is minimally functional, we will be transferring our assets and abandoning our current base and territories besides the area immediately surrounding our new headquarters. My officers have already begun the process of de-claiming unneeded land.

We are also taking discipline and order much more seriously. Repeated offenses by our members will be punished appropriately. In addition, any and all offensive military action must now be approved by an officer, in an effort to prevent griefing and unnecessary raiding of friendly territories. We will be making a more concerted effort to cooperate with rather than antagonize our fellow factions. We will act as a peacekeeping body, and thus we will treat you and your faction with respect as long as the gesture is returned.

In closing, if anyone has a complaint against a specific RMM member or the clan as a whole, please reply below or send me a private message if you feel the information is too sensitive for public view. I will do my best to address any issues you may have. Once again, I apologize for any inconvenience my clan has brought you, and I look forward to a healthy and bountiful relationship in the very near future.

-General Gielnor