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A Low Down OLED Switch, The Finest Picks of PlayStation's Days of Play, and More!

Today's all about PlayStation cutting loose and lopping prices in its Days of Play promotion. Aside from the obvious chops on current AAAs, the discount I'd steer you towards would be that 60% off Fallout 4 GOTY. Weirdly, PS folk missed out on the cheaper price of that during the "Fallout TV series" buzz season. So loot it now.

In retro news, I'm celebrating the 11th birthday of GRiD 2, a weirdly capitalised racer that nonetheless delivered. Codemasters popped the hood on this sequel and bolted in a new 'TrueFeel' handling system, hoping to hit the apex between realism and accessibility. Personally, I remember it having Bathurst DLC, lacking a cockpit view, veering more arcadey than I liked, and it featured pretty kick arse terminal damage crashes. Oh, and I also recall loving its literal Easter Egg—setting your date to Easter would prompt the narrator to ask you to not get chocolate on your steering wheel.

This Day in Gaming

Aussie birthdays for notable games.

- Resident Evil 2 (GC) 2003. Remake

- GRiD 2 (PS3,X360) 2013. Ebay

- Splatoon (WiiU) 2015. Sequels

Table of Contents

[H1]Nice Savings for Nintendo Switch[/H1]

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How much to make the switch to Switch?

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[H1]Purchase Cheaply for PC[/H1]

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Slay your pile of shame.

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[H1]Exciting Bargains for Xbox[/H1]

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How many bucks for a Box?

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[H1]Pure Scores for PlayStation[/H1]

Expiring Recent Deals

Hardware Watch

How much you'll pay to Station.

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Adam Mathew is our Aussie deals wrangler. He plays practically everything, often on YouTube.

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