3Knights | PVP Clan [Paid] [Trusted Only]


Level 2
Aug 2, 2011
3Knights is a PvP Clan for good PvPers and trusted people.

We only invite the ones we trust to 100% This is open to recuitments. But, as I said. We only invite 100% trusted people.

We got our base really well hidden, really far from spawn. Don't even try to raid us. You wont find us.

You know our location? Well. Good luck wasting 8 Minecraft days to get there. It's also well protected so.. even if u get there, you won't be able to get in.

If you know who I am and you know I know who you are. And you know you got a high chance of getting in. Well... Then reply to this thread and i'll might catch up to you.

-----------------------------------------Members of 3Knights--------------------------------------

+King - SimonMattila

-King - GodzMaul

-King - SimonEklund

~Master Assassin - DES_Jake

*Templar Assassin - None yet.

^Templar Knight - None yet.

>Assassin - iHateNazi

>Assassin - Pilot43869

>Assassin - Stoopis

<Knight - Peppeking

<Knight - Bompal

<Knight - Zup123


Write back to be if I missed something, Bye! / 3Knights King - Simon

(I paid 500 Credits to Erskew to keep the Faction up.)


Permanent Enemies (Faction): Sl4bs

Permanent Enemies (Players): Chemcel, All Sacred labrinthians players


Level 2
Aug 2, 2011
I was talking about our main base. over 9K blocks from spawn.

The nether base is just a poor base. it only contains a stack slimes and a half stack diamonds and stuff like that.