
  1. Far Cry 6 Review

    The Far Cry series has long experienced something of an identity crisis. Is it a hard–boiled story of survival, or a goofy physics playground with pet bears and flamethrowers? The answer has usually been “a bit of both,” and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Far Cry 6 doesn’t buck that trend –...
  2. Ethereum Cryptocurrency Arose Out Of Creator 'Crying Himself To Sleep' Over World Of Warcraft Nerf

    Ethereum, the decentralized, open-source blockchain, appears to have arisen in part due to the creator "crying himself to sleep" over a nerf to the Syphon Life spell in World of Warcraft. As spotted by Polygon, Vitalik Buterin, the Canadian-Russian programmer credited with the development of...
  3. New World Now Blocking Players from Creating New Characters in Overstuffed Servers

    Amazon Games' New World has begun preventing players from creating new characters in full servers as it continues its efforts to bring queue times down for the hugely popular game. In an update on Twitter, the MMO developer announced that it has created a new system to help it better manage...
  4. Astria Ascending Review

    There is always something exciting about playing a brand new JRPG that isn’t from one of the popular franchises we already know and love, mostly to see how it differentiates itself from the pack. But while Astria Ascending’s turn-based combat is excellent, its mediocre story and weak quest...
  5. Forspoken Developers Discuss Magic Parkour System and More - Tokyo Game Show 2021

    The team behind upcoming open world RPG Forspoken has discussed a number of details about the game, including its spells, antagonists, and 'magic parkour'. During an extended special showcase as part of Tokyo Game Show 2021, co-director Takefumi Terada and creative producer Raio Mitsuno shed a...
  6. New World: Amazon Has Doubled Servers, Asks New Players to Join Less Popular Worlds

    Since its launch on Tuesday, Amazon's MMORPG New World has seen quite literally overwhelming popularity. Despite having doubled server numbers since release, the publisher is now asking for new fans logging into the game for the first time to find and join low-capacity servers in the game while...
  7. New World: Amazon's Prohibitively Popular MMO Is Trying to Reduce Queue Time Across the Globe

    New World was absolutely huge at launch yesterday, to the point where it became very hard to actually play the game. Thankfully Amazon Games has been working on lowering queue time across the globe to help get new players into the MMO. The developer has been updating the New World forums...
  8. New World Review in Progress

    Amazon’s New World is finally available in our world (which is now technically the old world, I guess?) and its servers are so packed on day one that I haven’t been able to get in yet. However, I’ve spent the past week running around a finalized version of this colonial-era MMO, albeit without...
  9. New World is Already Steam's Most Played Game of 2021 Despite Server Struggles

    New World is already Steam's most-played game of 2021, even though it's only been out for a day. Not only is Amazon Games' new MMO the most played game of 2021, but its all-time player count peak is also more than 200,000 players higher than Valheim’s, which previously held the record. At...
  10. World War Z: Aftermath Review

    With the Aftermath expansion, World War Z is a much different game than when it debuted in 2019, and overwhelmingly for the better. With more episodes to rampage through, a greater selection of playable classes, and dozens of major quality-of-life improvements (like zombies no longer being able...
  11. Sable Review

    For an adventure game with no combat, no fail state, and not even much in the way of an objective, exploring Sable’s ruined desert of Midden was rarely ever dull. Driving a hoverbike through its stylish open world or climbing giant mountains and crumbling cities can be a lot of fun in a zen-like...
  12. Eastward Review

    A man and his adopted daughter find their way through a whimsical, post-apocalyptic landscape. Frying pan and psychic powers at the ready, they might stumble into saving the world as they explore it. With all the stylings of a retro JRPG, you might expect Eastward to play like one, but this...
  13. THQ Nordic 10th Anniversary: Every New Game Announced

    THQ Nordic celebrated its 10th anniversary today with a livestream event with tons of new game announcements. THQ Nordic revealed eight new games currently in development at its many, many game development studios. During the 30-minute show, THQ Nordic revealed multiple games ranging from...
  14. DokeV's Trailers Showed Less Than 10% of its Entire Open World

    Last month, we got a long look at DokeV, the open-world action-adventure game from the studio behind Black Desert Online that's full of monster catching, goofy minigames, and exploration of what sounds like quite a sizable open world. Speaking to IGN, lead producer Sangyoung Kim gave a rough...
  15. In DokeV, the Dokebi Monsters Are for Far More Than Just Battling

    DokeV dazzled at the most recent PlayStation Showcase, where for four colorful minutes it demonstrated a large open world full of goofy monsters, like a bear with boxing gloves and rideable alpacas. But while it seems these monsters are in some fashion capturable and able to stand by the...
  16. DokeV Pivoted From MMORPG to Open-World Action-Adventure, But It Will Still Have Multiplayer

    When DokeV got its latest new trailer at the recent PlayStation Showcase, some people (including us!) were initially confused. The game had originally been marketed as an MMORPG, but now all its messaging called it an "open-world action-adventure." No massive multiplayer online elements in...
  17. Lost in Random Review

    Imagine stepping into an original D&D setting that’s been lovingly written and DM’d by Tim Burton or Shel Silverstein. Instead of elves and dwarves, you have a giant card shop that’s also a person, a decadent duke, and a scary-looking upside-down guy who only dreams of being able to rhyme – just...
  18. Forspoken Shows Off New Gameplay, Will Be Released in Spring 2022

    Mysterious Square Enix and Luminous Productions action-RPG Forspoken has shown off a little more of its world and gameplay in a new trailer, and revealed that the game will release in Spring 2022. Revealed at today's PlayStation Showcase event, the new Forspoken trailer introduces us to lead...
  19. Clid The Snail Review

    Clid the Snail, a bizarre twin-stick shooter by the appropriately named developer Weird Beluga, makes a promising first impression with its odd setting and anthropomorphic character design. But it doesn’t take long for it to fall woefully short of its potential. Repetitive level design, muddy...
  20. Baldo: The Guardian Owls Review

    It’s rare to see Studio Ghibli’s iconic and instantly recognizable anime art style take shape in a video game, but developer NAPS Team’s isometric action-adventure RPG, Baldo: The Guardian Owls, claims both Ghibli and The Legend of Zelda as its primary inspirations. Those are lofty ambitions...