
  1. Ubisoft Confirms Major Far Cry 2 Fan Theory About Its Villain

    Ubisoft has confirmed a long-held fan theory about the villain of Far Cry 2, the Jackal, and how he connects to the original Far Cry story. “The Jackal is actually supposed to be Jack Carver from the original Far Cry,” said Clint Hocking, Far Cry 2's Creative Director, while talking to IGN for...
  2. How Far Cry's Iconic Villains Were Created

    If there’s one thing everyone remembers about Far Cry it's the villains. Characters like Vaas, Pagan Min, and Joseph Seed have all easily earned their place in the bad guy hall of fame. Over time, the role of the villain in Far Cry has become increasingly important to the series’ identity, so...
  3. 9 Batman villains that deserve to take on the Caped Crusader

    Warning: spoilers for the Batman: Arkham universe The Batman: Arkham-verse is a special series that has helped bring the beloved 80-year old detective to video games in a way none of us could have imagined. Both Rocksteady and WB Montreal have done stupendous jobs in creating a universe where...
  4. 10 Obscure Spider-Man Villains we want to see on the Big Screen

    Spider-Man: Far From Home is the second surprisingly successful collaboration between Marvel Studios and Sony Pictures. Out in cinemas now, it’s set in a post-Endgame world where Peter Parker has to take on new threats in a world forever changed. So far in this new series we’ve seen Spider-Man...
  5. Evil Live! Watch our devs stream their inner villains!

    After the launch of the devious, the devilish, the downright dastardly Villains Skin Pack a week and a bit ago, our devs were inspired to build a special map in which those aspiring scoundrels could demonstrate just how demented they are. And tomorrow at 4.30pm CEST, we’ll be live-streaming a...
  6. Villains skin pack ruthlessly conquers Pocket Edition

    Got an evil streak? Let your inner demons out with the latest skin pack to hit Pocket / Win 10 edition! It costs $1.99 - although, as with all our skin packs, you get a few for free! The evilest of all giveaways! The Villains Skin Pack will be rolling out across devices at some point today...