
  1. Borderlands 3 Preload Times Announced

    Borderlands 3, the long-awaited sequel in the irreverent RPG and FPS mashup series is coming soon, and although it was previously announced that there would be no preload available for the game, this has since changed. The post Borderlands 3 Preload Times Announced appeared first on Green Man...
  2. Gears 5 to contain map ’50 times bigger’ than any previous Gears map

    The upcoming Gears 5 will feature at least one level that will dwarf anything in the Gears series so far, according to developers The Coalition. Studio head Rod Fergusson dropped a load of information about Gears 5 during a PAX panel over the weekend, including the titbit that a level in Gears 5...
  3. You’ve bought Pocket Edition many, many times

    Everyone likes big numbers, right? I know I do. Here’s a stonker: 30,000,000! You good people have bought Minecraft: Pocket Edition over 30 million times. Thanks! Let’s put that into perspective: if each Pocket Edition sale was an average sized dog, and you walked said dog every day with a...