
  1. Halo Infinite's Big Team Battle Mode Still Broken Despite New Hotfix

    Halo Infinite's Big Team Battle mode has been a sore point for fans for more than a month now. The matchmaking queues have had major issues, with larger parties having a tough time joining games since early December. Those who do make it are frequently disconnected. Today's Halo Infinite...
  2. Dying Light 2 Will Take 'At Least 500 Hours' to Fully Complete

    Those who are looking to purchase Dying Light 2 on February 4, 2022, and beyond will be happy (or terrified) to know that developer Techland has confirmed it will take "at least 500 hours" to fully complete the game. Techland shared the news on Dying Light's Twitter, saying that the sequel to...
  3. Evil Live! Watch our devs stream their inner villains!

    After the launch of the devious, the devilish, the downright dastardly Villains Skin Pack a week and a bit ago, our devs were inspired to build a special map in which those aspiring scoundrels could demonstrate just how demented they are. And tomorrow at 4.30pm CEST, we’ll be live-streaming a...
  4. Minecraft snapshot 15w14a – The Love and Hugs Update

    It’s been a while, but we’re ready to announce the theme of the next update and finally give you guys the first peek at what we’ve been working on for the last few months! We’re pretty excited and I hope that you will be too. Let’s get to it! Minecraft 1.10: The Love and Hugs Update We...