
  1. Admin

    Site updated to XenForo 2.1

    Hey guys, The site has been updated to XenForo 2.1, please report any bugs on the site here so they can be investigated and rectified. We have begun posting the files our servers use to our resources section at All of these files are used on our game servers, so...
  2. Wren

    Site updates

    We're completely revamping the site and adding new game servers so there may be a few bugs! We're smoothing them out. Once we're done we should have a much better server list, homepage and better site in general.
  3. Wren


    Credits on the site have been updated and reset. Theme is being messed with.
  4. Admin

    New server

    Done. We'll be moving the site to a more powerful server within the next day, we'll make a post on the new site when it's all switched out,
  5. W

    Forum Rules

    General Rules While debating and discussion is fine, we will not tolerate excessive rudeness, extreme profanity (or attempts to bypass profanity filters), insulting posts, personal attacks or purposeless inflammatory posts. Our decision is final in these matters. Please refrain from...