
  1. Shenmue: The Animation's First Trailer Revealed During New York Comic Con 2021

    The first Shenmue: The Animation trailer is officially here, offering a glimpse of how the pioneering Dreamcast series translates to anime. As expected, it's filled with a lot of solid kung fu action, which should please long-time fans of the series. You can check out the trailer below, which...
  2. Shenmue 3: Everything you need to know

    Shenmue 3 is not only real but also out soon, really soon in fact on November 19th. It’s not been an easy ride for the series though. The original Shenmue came out a full two decades ago in 1999 and released on the unfortunately ill-fated Dreamcast. This isn’t a series you can really jump into...
  3. Shenmue 3 PC backers offered refund over Epic Games Store exclusivity

    Developer YS Net and publisher Deep Silver have announced that they will offer refunds to those Kickstarter backers of Shenmue 3 on PC who object to the game’s Epic Games Store exclusivity. The post Shenmue 3 PC backers offered refund over Epic Games Store exclusivity appeared first on Green...