
  1. Star Wars 1313: New Footage of the Canceled Game Shows Boba Fett in Action

    New footage has been released from the canceled Star Wars: 1313 project that shows off Boba Fett in action. It's another tantalising glimpse at a much-anticipated game that never came to be. The gameplay, which was uploaded to YouTube by Battlefront 3 archive channel The Vault in celebration...
  2. Uncharted 4: Devs Reveal Secrets Behind the Series' Best Chase Sequence - Art of the Level

    Uncharted 4: A Thief's End crescendos at its midpoint with a bombastic, all-out chase action sequence that is not only a highpoint for the game itself but for the entire Uncharted franchise, ranking as one of Uncharted's best chases and action scenes. It's a thrilling, lengthy chase through city...